
Where is the rest of my stimulus check?

by  |  earlier

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I have received my stimulus check already but the amount was not what the website said. I did the payment calculator on the IRS website and it said we would get back $1800 for filing married with two kids. We only received $1200 and when i called the 800 number i could not get through but it said due to my filing status my amount was reduced. it told me that due to the nature of my call, my call could not be answered. Is there anything i can do to get the other $600 or will i just not get it?




  1. The amount of the stimulus payment is based on your net tax liability. This can be found by adding the following lines from the applicable tax form:

    1040 - Lines 52 + 57

    1040A - Lines 32 + 35

    If this figure is $600 or less, you receive $600. If it's between $600 and $1200, you receive the exact amount. If it's more than $1200, you receive $1200.

    Since your check was $1200, it appears that your tax liability was $600 or less. The $300 each for your children made it $1200 total.

    A lot of people are confused about this as they think it's an automatic $1200, not realizing that's a maximum figure.

  2. The amount for yourself and your spouse is based on your net income tax liability for your 2007 return, the one filed in 2008. If your tax was between $600 and $1200 on your joint return, you get back everything you paid. If your tax was less than $600, you get an even better deal, and get $600, even MORE than you paid in. If you paid over $1200 though, your rebate is limited to $1200. Your net income tax liability is one of the following depending on which form you filed:

    · On Form 1040, the amount shown on Line 57 plus the amount on Line 52;

    · On Form 1040A, the amount shown on Line 35 plus the amount on Line 32; or

    · On Form 1040EZ, the amount on Line 10.

    Note that this adds back the child tax credit, but NOT the additional child tax credit - many people make a mistake when using the calculator, and include the Additional CTC when they are told to enter the CTC, and get a wrong answer.

    Then you get an additional $300 for each qualifying child under age 17.

    There is one possibility though, that you had errors on your return that resulted in not getting the additional amount for your kids. Look at the letter you got very close to when you got your check.  If it says $1200 for you and your husband, and zero for your kids, but they are your dependent children and are under age 17, then you will still get the extra -see the last question at,,i...

    If your letter though shows that you DID get the $600 for your kids, but only got $600 for you and your spouse together, chances are that it is right and you entered something wrong into the calculator - if that's the case, what you got was what you qualified for and no, you won't get more.

    If you still think you should have gotten $1200 for you and your spouse and your letter says $600, please post again with the amounts on the lines shown above, and your adjusted gross income (line 21 on form 1040A or line 37 if you filed form 1040) and someone here might be able to help you.

  3. Based on your description, the check was the correct amount.

    When you file in 2008, there will be a 2nd chance worksheet.  If you qualify for more than $1200 on that return, you might see the other $600 then.

  4. Did you file for renter's credit? That may have something to do with it. I filed renter's credit first and just got the paprwork for Stimulus check. I promised myself I would sit down and do it this wekend but haven't started yet.

    Scratch what I just said. I think that renters cred-it is a state by state thing. I'm looking on the website now to see if there is an answer for you on there. BRB

    contact your closest stat-e office. -S-ome-one ther-e will assist you

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