
Where is the strangest place you have ever found your keys or cell phone when you lost them ?

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Where is the strangest place you have ever found your keys or cell phone when you lost them ?




  1. In a place i already looked; those are creepy experiences.

  2. I kid you not in the toilet my cell phone had fallen out of my back pocket and into the toilet when I was letting my sons bath water out

  3. Keys were left in the driver's door of my car in satellite parking at a major airport.  Went to check in a terminal and couldn't find them.  Had to take a shuttle back out to make sure I didn't leave them in the trunk.  Almost missed my flight.

  4. In the meat tray of the refrigerator!! My 2 yr. old had 'em in her hand and traded 'em for a hot dog!!!!!

  5. i was outside playing with my neighbors... and we decided to go rollerblading... and i put my phone in one of plants on my front steps.

    i completely forgot, so after 2 weeks of searching for it i found it right after i watered the plant..

  6. In my hand, I felt like an idiot.

  7. in the bottom tray in the fridge under all my beer, it took all day 2 get 2 them!

  8. My phone just vibrated off the counter into the trash can the other day.  I looked for it for about a hour!  That was odd.  LOL

  9. The washing machine

  10. In my secret boobie place....cause thats where everything goes!!!!

  11. This old lady who lives next door to me, she had them in her mailbox.

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