
Where is the undeniable proof that WOMEN are trying to TAKE AWAY male rights?

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Kris seems especially fixated on this. I need proof because the whining is irritating me now.




  1. I believe in equal rights; I hope you do too.  Maybe you are right and it's the Media/govt. that is only using you until a certain time in the future.  

    "When one Citizen can attack another Citizen, then all are endangered." *    

    So will "undeniable proof" change your mind?

    If it's not evident to you by now, will it ever be?  Sometimes "proof" is buried  six feet under and can't talk back.  

    When the media starts to attack women, you will think back to this day...what comes around goes around.  Today the women have the shovel.**  Will they be gentle?  Or are they human and make mistakes?  

    I am too tired to answer this fully.  Many men have died via the enforcement of VAWA (false DV charges included.)  Read the Art of War  to understand the basics of Citizens pitted against Citizens ("2 fight while the 3rd watches.")  

    Oh wait, I forgot.  The book burnings begin soon.

  2. Examples of feminists discriminating against men's rights:



    Go ahead and deny it.


    Not enough evidence? Go ahead, knock yourself out


    @ Baba Yaga "Citing some misogynistic idiot's blog does not constitute "proof"".  LOL!  I can't help feeling a little sorry for you. I guess you  have been trotting out the same tired old feminist lies for so long that you just can't admit you are wrong even when its so clear to any open minded person who examines the evidence. Well you can either lose face now or when you are older, its up to you.

  3. You might want to check some of the popular men's rights websites, such as makewomenhaves3xwithme and yahoomaleactivistsarealloneguy for what they see as the answers.

    Seriously, it might be a step up from the debate you'll get from some on here.

    At worst, you'll get a few laughs!

    Cheers :-)

  4. There isn't any proof. Some people don't want equal opportunities. They think if you're pro-women you "have" to be "anti-men". They don't believe there are enough resources for both women and men and if one is going to be "superior" they want to be sure men are.

  5. Feminism fought for woman's right to vote.  The ONLY attempts to deny men in the U.S. their right to vote were by men, for example when the U.S. began and men wanted only white men who owned property to have the right to vote, and when men enslaved and refused to let Black men vote, and again when they refused to let Black men vote unless they "passed" a test, etc.. ( "We The People" have had some difficulty figuring out in steps exactly who we mean by "We The People" in a democracy ).

    Women were not members of Congress or attorneys or judges or University deans or Presidents back then.  Just men. No women have taken men's right to vote away from them. The women's movement fought for equal educational access for women and no laws have been made by women to lock men out of those same public educational facilities based on merely their genitalia.  The women's movement fought for marital rape laws and no laws have been made by women to allow the rape of men by their spouses.  The women's movement fought for the right for females to be included as subjects in medical and pharmaceutical research and no laws have been made by women to exclude men from health care research.  The women's movement fought for a woman's right to use birth control and no feminist, only "traditional" women like Phylis Schafaly types, has tried to make laws to take men's right to use condoms away from men.  The women's movement fought for a woman's right to equal credit opportunities and no laws have been made by women to take men's right to get loans or use credit cards away from men.  

    What some men feel bitter about is the redistribution of money away from basically male-only benefiting spending into a more fair "sharing" with women the money women pay too in taxes on programs and social restructuring that ALSO benefit women.  Some men get really hysterical over affirmative action but affirmative action is not feminist but economic and hails from mostly male-dominated private and public governing bodies attempting to counter the measureable "bigot factor" of male oppression, sexism and discrimination against women that creates unbearable levels of poverty that destabilize economies.  It's kinda hard for some guys to adapt and adjust to the ending of their prehistoric traditional "chivalrous" unfair advantages and male-entitlement paradigm and they become bitter vicious"injustice collectors" of bogus statistics and "proofs" of feminazi conspiracies and they breathlessly follow flim-flam misogynists who tell them whatever they want to hear to feel like "empowered" men in the too-scary-for-them-to-face 21st century.

  6. The statement, "we need to even out the playing field" or "we will not stop until there are half of men and women in high powered positions"

    If you accept (as many do) that we for a while did have equal rights and opportunities then you also must accept that the outcomes of those opportunities was fair since people were effectively treated fairly.

    However, upon realising that treating people fairly does not mean you will end up treating them equally thus giving them equal outcomes a small problem arose.

    Fair treatment is giving someone the same opportunity to produce ANY outcome (equal or unequal)

    Equal treatment is giving someone the equal outcome itself and thus you will employ whatever type of opportunity most expedites this process.

    If we accept (as many also do) that feminism advocates equality and equal treatment then it is clear that they will use manipulated opportunity by either denying us rights or denying us opportunities which are awarded to them in order to prevent us contuing to produce an unequal but fair outcome in our favour.

    This is the theory, the evidence came out of feminists mouths which was convenient.

    edit: I accept that this is a self-validating question letion and you're not actually going to try to understand our position, you're just going to deny it

    edit: I appreciate your candour thing550. It's always hard to admit that you lack sophistication =D

    edit: you're absolutely right about generalising and I should have added that many feminists are still staunchly behind fair treatment and reject equal treatment which I find encouraging :)

  7. Citing some misogynistic idiot's blog does not constitute "proof," yet that's what we get.  I read their links.  Some make valid points.  Most do not.  Opinions are not  "proof."  They'll have to do better if they want rational people to listen to them.

    ETA:  Jim, you know what they say about opinions and aszholes.  You should.  You have more than your share.  You are not the front of the next great social movement.  Do something useful with yourself, or to yourself, I don't care.

  8. here is a good one that express feminist contempt not only for males basic human rights but our basic right to life.


    I am only stating the truth. Look at feminist statistics, then try and find the real statistics. The difference is shocking, look up all the money the government spends on female based programs, and then how much is spent on male based programs.

    Heck look up the suicide rate by gender. Even the reactions from feminists in this category is often proof enough of the blatant bigotry's.

      Open your eye's. Next time you watch TV pay attention to the commercials. Look at college advertisements.

         Watch the news's sometime, or better yet watch Nancy Grace, I cant believe they let her on the air(shudders).

            This is the same kind of garbage the n**i's pulled right before the death camps.

    But the sad fact is there is no where to go. If there was another frontier or some place left to colonize I am sure western civilization would have one of the most unbalanced gender ratio's in the world.

    America was once the land of freedom now the only thing here is chain's.


    Most men are merely puppets. Those in goverment will do anything for money and power. In our society men have always been viewed as "expendable", hence the old saying "women and children first".

         Look at former president clinton. The only reason he appointed women to his cabinet is because  his wife told him to do it,  not because they earned it. I wonder how many other politicians are merely puppets?

    Either way this is no longer a goverment for and by the people anymore.


    Well atleast we know the origin of your hate.


    And I also suppose rape victims had it coming because they dressed "s**y"(sarcism to illustrate the hypocritical thinking of feminists)


    Cute word usage of rational... either way no amount of information or evidence can make a blind person see what is plainly all around us.


    I dont know how you can call spending 2 times as much on female based programs "fair" spending.

      The funny thing is as soon as a feminist becomes speaker of the house she lowered the amount the goverment spent on men's health and increased the amount spent on womens health(cancer research).

           But I guess you think it is fair for the goverment to spend double on one group. Then when you count bussiness grants, student aid avaiable only to women, general student aide(blood aid for men since we get it at a risky price) the goverment probally spends 3-4 times as much on women based inititives then spent helping male citizens and that is fair?


    But feminist say what they will to continue to belive they are the victims. Reality say's one thing though. And if history is recorded correctly it will remember the shear scope of feminist misandry as is visible here.

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