
Where is the (?) who thinks all paranormal researchers are heavy people?

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While looking through all the questions I saw one that earked me. How does this person gage weight and the paranormal? Is that person annirexic? Hungry for something? Saying that only the seditary are effected by the parinormal? Not everyone doing research over eats to quail the stress. Especially when it is in us as humans to eat well. Food is our first instinct. A human eating apples see's just as much as a human eating steak and potatos. Jack Sprat could eat no fat; his wife could eat no between the two, they licked the platter clean.




  1. I remember that question.  I don't think that person was trying to insult the paranormal investigators.  I think he was curious to know if anyone else observed that some of the people out there are overweight.  I don't know who exactly he was talking about.

  2. I've seen pictures of rooms full of paranormal researchers they are of average build. Yes, like the rest of the US, 64% are overweight or obese, but consistent with American weight patterns.

  3. I saw that question. If what he said is true..maybe it could be because they spend a lot of time on the road doing investigations and anyone would gain weight doing that..also riding in a car a lot. But...I don't think it's necessarily true. It's just that the ones who are on tv seem to be a little overweight. The one from Medium...the real one..Allyson Dubois..isn't overweight...and is very pretty and well kept. The one from England is a little overweight..but well kept and cute.

  4. Interesting, most likely the person who has put this question forth has a bone to pick with believers of the paranormal.

    That being said, there is only one likely reason why s/he would pose such a query.  Natural foods (i.e. fruits, vegetables, <i>organic</i> meats, etc. are healthy.  Processed food (i.e. McDonald's, potato chips, processed sugar, etc.) have a habit of affecting the mind.  In an individual who lives solely off processed foods, cognitive and social processes are impaired, and these kinds of foods can actually exacerbate depression and other psychological conditions.

  5. ...good point.. but bad spelling..

  6. Why feed into such an obvious attempt to lure people in. The person is simply trolling, looking for a fight. The best thing to do when you see a question like that  is not to feed any energy into it. This is what they want. If they get no answers, they will stop being stupid.

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