
Where is the wirdest place you masterbated?

by  |  earlier

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my place would have to be in a cemetery when i was 13 behind a tree at night.




  1. When I was about 12 years old, which was about 23 years ago in a hiding spot at the library, which was in a wooden toy boat that was under a deck where I could not be seen.

  2. On top of a rollercoaster. And i wasnt alone.

    Also the top of the Empire State Building. I want to see if it would hit someone down there. It did.

  3. I did it during church a couple of times, also have done it on airplane bathroom.

  4. In a church.

    (I wish I could say it was during a service, but it wasn't. I sneaked back in while everyone was having a pot-luck dinner in the multi-function room downstairs.)

  5. on a subway  

  6. in my friends room as he was play his ps2 in front of me...i did not get caught but i wish i would had...

  7. In an elavator.

  8. in my car on the way to work :)

  9. the back seat of a police car and on a crowded amtrak passenger train.

  10. A better question for me personally would be, "where haven't I masturbated"?

    BTW, your spelling is wrong for masturbated. I've noticed this word misspelled quite often on this site and I wonder why the Spelling Check doesn't catch it. It does if I type it wrong.

  11. probably in the kitchen

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