
Where is there a locomotive salvage yard?

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I am looking for diesel engine pistons and old train parts. Perferby from a dismanterler or salvage yard. Like a pick and pull for trains. I am on the West Coast. Yes I have checked e-bay.




  1. It's a long shot, but try to get to a heavy maintenance facility or running maintenance facility, where cylinders are routinely swapped out.

    Not a great way to go, but its the best I can think of.  Failing that, contact a manufacturer, GE, EMD, etc., and see if they can point you in the right direction.  RR representatives may be a helpful option as well.

    I don't like your chances.  These are high quality steel and therefore worth some major $$$$, so I am willing to bet that they are recycled.

    The only rail scrapper I am aware of is Jim Dobbas Co., located (if still there) in Antelope, Ca.

    Good luck and happy hunting.

  2. CEECo..near Seattle...Coast Engine & Engineering Co.

  3. i have a salvage operation and i can tell you most all have already been melted down

  4. If you were on the east coast you would be in luck, there is a large locomotive scrap yard located in Georgia. I have been by there before, there must have been 50 locomotives lined up to be disassembled... I would imagine there is one on the west coast as well.

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