
Where is this best place to train for Major Airlines after I get out of High School?

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Where is this best place to train for Major Airlines after I get out of High School?




  1. Absolutely NOT the military. Less than 1% of the people that go into the air force fly. If you are not around aviation or around an airport that offers flight training than the fastest thing to do is the big school direction. They have major drawbacks like everything else too. I firmly belive in the local airport training and local college to save money and diversify! I have flown with big school trained pilots and they have scared me. There flight instructors have very often NO experience cause that is there first job, because they still attend the same school. So off what experience are they teaching you? Now at you local airport if you get lucky you will get an old freight pilot! NOW he knows how to get it done and how to keep it out of the tree's! He or she can share there years of knowledge with you. And trust you me that is absolutly priceless! If you have a couple of airports around then I strongly encourage you to hang out there and talk to everyone and you can find out alot of info and where flight instruction can be had. And what places to steer clear off, cause there are those places too.

  2. I am a pilot who like you wanted to find the best place to "train" for the airlines. I came to realize there is no best place. I attended Flight Safety in Vero Beach They suck!!

    They take your money and they quality training is much worse than any I had experienced before. I completed my courses I signed up for and got the heck out I completed my training with a older man who had 20000 hours. I learned more from him that all of the instructor at Fligt safety. Their instructors are all low time less than 1000 hours. Kind of the blind leading the blind. I suggest finding a instructor with a tail wheel to start with. You will learn to be a great pilot if you fly tail wheel first then go to the tricycle gear planes. Plus you will probable say big $$$$$$. Find someone who has the experience to teach. You wouldnt hire a guy who just learned Brain surgery to teach you Brain surgery so why hire a guy who just learned to fly to teach you to fly. That is what all of the Major airline schools do to keep their cost down.  I think a great option is ATP flight traing they offer a good course at a fair price. web is

  3. Talk to this guy called Uncle Sam.

  4. The military.

  5. hey i am looking for an airline career too. i have seen 3 colleges that pride themselves in their aviation programs. Check out University of North Dakota Grand Forks, University of Missouri Saint Louis, or University of California San Jose. The pilot who was the captain of one of september 11's hijacked aircraft graduated from the california one. check it out. hope that helps :-)

  6. You don't train for major airlines out of high school.  You train to be a pilot... A professional aviator.  Major airlines come somewhere down the road in the future.  They do their own training.

    There are lots of options and debates about what the best option is.  The main options are military, a local flight school, or a college with a flight program.

    Military - Least expensive method

    Local flight school - Training quality can vary, but it will eventually get you to the same place.  I would recommend getting a college degree in something (really anything, but business is a good major for aviation - lots of good knowledge to have about how businesses work and how to manage - that's what pilots are: cockpit managers).

    Aviation college - Probably the most expensive option, but the training quality is pretty standardized and the information you get from the classes gives you a good, solid foundation in the industry.

    I know others will have differing opinions on this, and that's ok.  That's just my two cents.

    <edit>: Most major airlines prefer a 4 year college degree.  A few major airlines REQUIRE it.  It doesn't necessarily need to be an aviation degree, but they want to see that you completed some form of accredited advanced education.

    This doesn't eliminate any of the options I listed above, but make sure you somehow have plans for getting a 4 year degree at some point so you don't limit your options or put yourself at a disadvantage when your turn arrives to fly for the majors.

  7. the "best place" is in the military, because when you go to apply for a job with the airlines, you are competing against people with years of military experience and training that no mortal man could possibly afford

  8. Definitely the military for experience to just be around aircraft. Then probably the best aircraft school in the nation is Embrey Riddle. You can get a degree in several branches of aviation and get a private pilots license at the same place and time. From then on its a matter of logging time, become a flt instructor to log even more time. It takes time and perserverance, but well worth all of the time and effort you put forth. I followed this path and it has worked out well for me. Good Luck

  9. I think Coffee's answer is pretty good.  I would just add that the military is really the best route.  Military training is the best available anywhere, and they don't train only fighter jocks.  Most military pilots fly transport aircraft, and they have just the skills the major airlines are looking for.

    You can talk to your USAF and Navy recruiters right now, and they will map out the process for you.  Most likely they will recommend ROTC.  You will need a college degree in any case, and if you go through ROTC you will wiggle your way up just a bit more easily.

    Good luck!

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