
Where is tiredness coming from?

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I don't know why I feel horribly tired each morning, well once in a while...BUT this time (for the last 7-9 days) tired that sometimes I have to sleep at least more than 10 hours a day, one time up to 13 hours one day (and I don't like it, it is a waste of time). I already sleep early every night, exercise little everyday by doing lots of house chores. What did I miss? I am taking anti-seizure meds (been on it for more than 3 years, I am sure this is NOT the problem) and glucosamine pills (for joints) as well as calcium with Vitamin D.

I have checked in GP office and nothing's wrong with liver and kidney function. Everything's seemed fine. What have I missed?? Sometimes I felt like I was still in dream all the time after I woke up (so I was living in day dreaming) This kina-dizzy feeling is really bugging me....GP has no clue...I am stuck. Do you have any idea??




  1. I would quit the Glucosamine. You can't even look it up or find it for the side effects, not on Medline at least. Go to another Doctor, possibly a sugar Doctor. You may be in the beginning stages of being a diabetic. At least the Sugar Doctor will run blood tests and see what's going on. Just tell him/her that you are weak and was wondering about maybe being in a diabetic stage.Wish you the best young lady.

  2. Did anything change shortly before the first time you got a tired spell? Any change in your apartment/house, diet (including adding supplements), employment, or any soaps (detergents, etc)? Any major weather incidents, construction, or other major changes outside?

    The reason I'm asking is that if you are that tired on that regular of a basis, it's very likely it's an allergic reaction and/or something that is severely impeding your immune system. I know someone who was allergic to mold and found out (afterward) that her waterbed was growing mold... she got tired a lot, then would go to bed around the mold (that she didn't know was there), which just made it worse.

    I'm pointing that out because there are times when people don't know about things like that which aren't right out in the open, but can still give them a reaction. Reactions like the one you mention can take anywhere from a few minutes to a month or two to strike, so you may have to think back to before your first reaction to figure out what it might have been. It could have been a bad storm that made a slight leak that made mold grow... it could be a food, soap, or other environmental allergy that you don't know you have... it could even be something in your workplace that you don't know about. I know people (including myself) that have had problems with each of those issues at different times. You may also want to consult an allergist for some extra help, too.

    I'm also assuming you've discussed this with your doctor and they've checked you for the common illnesses (Mono and whatnot), and if you're that tired for that long, it sounds like it's more than just your diet. If this happens on a regular basis, you'll definitely need to dig a bit deeper to find out what might be causing it. Good luck!

  3. lyme disease?

  4. Are you drinking enough water? How's your diet? Are you getting your B vitamins?

    ADHD/ADD? Multiple sclerosis? Depression?

    EDIT: Look into the mold/mildew thing. I'm not sure if it was coincidence or what, but I was in this one place a lot for months, and I was getting sick more often than usual. I think it was the ridiculous amount of mold there. Can't hurt to just try and search for it. Maybe try staying over a friend's house for awhile, and see if your tiredness goes away?

  5. Hmmm

    Well it could be a number of things. Some times its in the food that we eat. If you eat a lot of carbs, or sugar, that will drag our energy down to nothing..

    Try writing down what you eat each day....and document how you feel, an hour or two after each meal.

    Like a food journal.

    If you doctor has checked your liver and kidney, then that rules that out. Did they check your thyroid? If not, that needs to be tested, and underactive thyroid can cause extreme fatique.

    Try changing your diet, eat lots of fiber and bananas are so good, they have alot of potassium, some times meds, can make our potatssium levels go down, and we dont even know it. I had this problem with my blood pressure meds, and I just wanted to sleep all the time, Now i take a potassium supplement and feel a million times better.

    Try to get in some bananas each day...and Blueberries are supposed to be the Miracle fruit now, with all the antioxidants! They are packed with them.

    If i were you,  i would do the food journal, and see if you notice a difference after getting some more vitamins in  and some antioxiadants.

    If this doesnt help, just keep going back to the doctor until they can figure it out.

    I wish you the very best of luck.

    Take care..

  6. you might have your home checked for possible minute carbon monoxide gas fumes. Just an idea.

    Also, you might try another GP. This one may not be in the top ten of his class. <G>

  7. Lots of things could be causing you to be tired:

    *  iron deficiency

    *  depression

    *  allergies or intolerances

    *  vitamin B deficiency

    *  diet: not enough fresh, healthy foods

    *  adrenal fatigue

    *  hypothyroidism

    If your GP is stumped, you might want to visit a naturopath.  Sometimes they see things not necessarily covered by a GP (and vice versa).  

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