
Where is your Wedding Microwave Now???

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Where is your Wedding Microwave Now???




  1. LOL.  Well, tomorrow is our 24th anniversary, back in 84 it was a good couple of years before everyone started getting micros so we didn't get one :(

  2. The house sustained a lightning strike and the microwave was um ... toasted. It withstood 8 years of hard duty and repairing it was more expensive than replacing it.  

  3. gave it to my sister for her wedding.  

  4. My ex-husband took it in the divorce.  Good riddance, I bought a nicer one which I guess would be the Divorce Microwave!  Then when I moved in with my now-husband, the Divorce Microwave was nicer than his, so he sold his Wedding Microwave.  Then our neighbor gave us his much much nicer nuker, so I sold the Divorce Microwave.  How's that for a timeline??  :)

  5. lol funi story my hubby and i didn't have a proper wedding as we didn't have much money at the time, about two weeks after we got married we bought a second hand microwave which was about 5 years old. well we had it up until last year - twenty years later- the only old fashion out dated item in our home, but really did serve up well.  

  6. the kid took it when she moved out

  7. I let the ex have only had three legs, left,.  I bought a better one.  I didn't get another one when I remarried.  

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