
Where is your favorite place to hang out to enjoy serenity?

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Where is your favorite place to hang out to enjoy serenity?




  1. I wish I could find that place I could use one right now

  2. I travel inwards into the depths of my mind. No, seriously. At church, while all the people are up and about, I'm at my seat, and really at peace. People wonder what I'm thinking about. I'm not sure, actually.

  3. All those plains abutting Himalayan mountains where you can find flora and fauna together with beauty of mountains.

  4. In the mountains, near a stream so I can hear God speak and NOT be disturbed by cars going by, sirens, aircraft, people yelling and screaming, cellphones or if I'm near the area, I go to the beach and get lost in the sounds of the crashing waves

  5. in my head

    no traffic, no kids, no hubby, no phones, no TV...just me and my thoughts.

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