
Where is your husband?

by  |  earlier

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right now...just curious.?




  1. in the bed

  2. Mine is on the couch next to me.  

  3. Sleeping in our bed while I'm at work.

    I would be livid!!! Does he do this often?

  4. In bed, sleeping.

  5. at work


  6. Downstairs taking a shower!

  7. mine is in cherokee propably partying with son and everwho  

  8. mine is in bed currently. but on friday nights he's usually at his buddy's house drinking etc..  if i don't know where he's at i go to the place's i think he's at and if i see I'm right i go back home and usually he call later on. is this usual for your husband to go out and not answer is phone? has he ever given u a reason to not trust him because if he hasn't i would just relax and give your gf's a call and go hang out.

  9. Sleeping in the bed ....Dreaming of me!  LOL!

  10. sitting in the same room  i am right behind me.

  11. working, next???

  12. Serving in Afghanistan. I would be happy and grateful for him simply to be 'out!'

  13. Where he should be, Work...

  14. Where is yours?

  15. I don't husband stopped coming home some nights...and then he told me he was seeing someone else...and he wanted to separate. So, its safe to assume my husband is with another woman at this moment. Be careful.

  16. he is at work.


  18. my husband is at work making money!!!

  19. at home alseep on the couch i'm sure .. i work nights and he's alwayson the couch with the tv on when i get home :)

  20. At work!  And I agree w/ Annabella, except if your kids are in bed (if you have any) add a glass of wine!

  21. Working.  He owns his own computer consulting biz and when the work piles up he works late.  No interruptions and he can really concentrate.  We usually talk several times during the evening if he has to work late, and often will go to a restaurant with our children so we can eat as a family.  Then it's back to the grind for him.

    The flip side is he can take days off and we can go on long weekend getaways or just have family time around the house, so I don't mind the business being "the other woman."

    I owned my own business before we moved to a small town, adopted our children and now I'm a glorious stay-at-home-mom/domestic goddess.

  22. he is in bed asleep

  23. in our bed lol  

  24. in bed sleeping!! hogging all blankets and pillows


  25. In our bed.  

  26. Sleeping and snoring as usual.. I will kiss him soon cuz he moans softly when i do that and well since yours is not where he should be (or else he would be answering ) well you need to text him with a threat that if he does not answer in ten minutes you are locking him out because he will have some lame excuse like my phone was on silent or my battery died.. which means I was doing something more important or something I would get in trouble with... do you trust him?  

  27. He's asleep on the couch with his cat curled around his head.  Exciting times over here LOL!  Sorry you're having a bad night.  You should light some candles & take a bubble bath.  That always makes me feel grounded.

  28. Sleeping next to our daughter....
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