
Where is your most favourite place in the world??

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Mine is Kenya




  1. hmmmmmmm maybe Taupo, New Zealand or the Whitsundays in far north Queensland.

  2. Mozambique in Africa is a beautiful country, great beaches, wild animals, Forrest's and grass plains, etc.!!!

  3. Alongside a woman!

  4. On a beach with a drink in my hand in Goa, India. :-)) (Was also our honeymoon)

  5. Greece .... i love the oceans there ... blue open waters ... just so peaceful viewing all the places ....

    Gadd ! for me Greece Rocks it all .....

    Thx .

  6. any place near a lake or the ocean.

  7. Your Heart

  8. My home country Singapore!

  9. I have not been to all the countries in the world.

    Based on where I have travelled and my knowledge of the countries from TV, documentaries and magazines, I like Switzerland the most.

    Switzerland is so serene, refreshing and safe compared to where I live. in Malaysia. My country is so hot, wet and humid.

    We use the air-con almost every day.

  10. OOTY in INDIA is my favourite place... It the quite place with no disturbance....

  11. Zanzibar, not really, I just like the name.

    Well, not not really, I have never been there, i'm sure its a nice place.

  12. my home- the Bay Area:)

  13. in your mamas bed

  14. My home

  15. Umm California so far, but I want to go to Iceland, Italy, China, Japan, Spain, Africa, and Egypt.  I really want to travel!!!

  16. i cannot really say that.

    maybe for me its home :), because here i have everything and everybody around i like and love.

    really marvelous are for me places with cristal clear water, sunshine and nice beach.

    f.e. Rottnest Island in Western Australia

    there are so many lovely places all over the world.

  17. The beautiful island Bora Bora, but I've never been there yet :(. So sad.

  18. China...i want to go to the Great Wall Of China, you feel like your at the top of the world... they say, you can see the great wall even your in the moon...  i like Egypt also..maybe its nice to see the great Pyramid of Giza...

  19. Home.  (Ohio)

  20. Time Squire in NY "to me "

  21. Istanbul, Turkey is my favourite city.It has a wonderful scenery and lots of historical places.Also Istanbul connects Asian and European continents.

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