
Where murderers born murderers?

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Do you belive that everyone was born with a clean slate... Or do you belive murderers are an object of their surroundings?

Im really intrested in phsycology so feel free to write about anything..




  1. no killing someone is easy, do you mean are some people naturally violent? yes genetics has proven that with animals so it should be the same with humans

  2. it is down to there surroundings and there up bringing  

  3. murderers are born into a world with an unstable mindset, and over the years, their problems, the people they encounter, the things they see or experience, and the status in life, pushes them over the edge and all h**l breaks lose.

  4. nooooo

    certain paths people take in life

    often influenced by how they feel or have been treated


    murder isnt always killing for fun


  5. I think its genetics and surroundings.  

  6. I believe that murderers are an object of their surroundings. The way they were raised the things theyve seen...just like anyone elses personality or wierd things about them.

  7. of course not. "where" is were.  

  8. It's both.  Someone can have the gene for violence.  Most likely, violent people have a problem in their limbic system.  Their thought patterns are negative.  They often carry pain and their brains can't heal.  Abuse and neglect as an infant and child contribute greatly.  There are some people whose brain can overcome trauma as this; however, some people carry the pain and develop negative thinking processes.

  9. The have a genetic predisposition but not a genetic predetermination, so a bit of both.

    Murder is, in any case, most frequently a crime committed in the heat of the moment, not something planned. Almost anyone could murder if pushed hard enough, few could plan it.

  10. i belive that murders are the only ones expressing the true raw humanity of our nature things are born evil and become good. in a way murders are the most human of us all. its all perspectie even the crazies think were insane. almost all opposites are two sides of the same coin

  11. Nearly all murderers have been brought up with very strict Fathers so I think thats something to do with it, also they are mummys boys

  12. Hardly anyone who ends up committing murder was "born" to. (There are probably a few cases of brain damage by the time of birth that led to murder, but most murderers were "made" so to speak.)

    "Clean slate" in the sense of no personality, talents, apptitudes, or leanings? No, clearly not. We know this. There are aspects of our personalities that are in-born.

    If you're interested in psychology, there are a lot of good books on the subject. I especially like books written by therapists and special ed teachers and the like, who write novel-like accounts of people they've dealt with in their work.

    They read like novels (not heavy-duty academic-type reading), but are TRUE, not made up.

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