
Where neandrethels an early form of humans?

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Where neandrethels an early form of humans?




  1. Neaderthals have the scientific name Homo neanderthalensis. We are Homo sapiens sapiens (duplication not an error).  We both long to the same genus, and are considered "human".

    BTW, Cro Magnon is not a scientific name (genus / species).  It refers to the earliest Homo sapiens in Europe.  We are not Cro Magnon.

  2. Neanderthals apparently came from the same root stock as cro magnons (us), but evolved differently to adapt to a colder climate.

  3. one of the many early forms

  4. Yeah, and they are still around today-(that is one of the nick names I give to men who still treat women like 2nd class citizens)

  5. Neanderthals are cousins to humans.  They broke off as a seperate branch not long ago relatively speaking.  The earliest Neanderthals forms as of the latest publications looked closer to modern humans, but as generations passed they began to have a much more pronounced browridge.  It has been hypothesized that this was an adaptation to the glare off the glaciers in the areas they lived in.  There was about a 20,000 year period when they lived in the same regions, possibly at the same time as modern humans.   There has been to conclusive evidence so far that I have seen that suggests that they interbred with modern humans and as they developed as contempories of homo sapien sapiens it is unlikely they were an early form.  There has been a lot of evidence showing Neanderthals had culture, they buried their dead, left funerary offerings, and took care of injured members of their group.

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