
Where oh where is Rosie McDonell ...I need her guidance more than ever.?

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I cant vote without her wisdom and political insight




  1. Or spell her name right.

  2. Shhhhhh. Don't say anything, maybe she'll stay away.

    Her name is O'Donnel.  

  3. You need to seriously wonder why PROFESSIONALS who are speaking out in their field officially questioning the "Findings" and seeing the holes in 9/11, are now considered "terrorists".  What have they done?

    That more than ANYTHING speaks volumes about 9/11.

  4. The liberals had her put off the air untill after the elections, seems they wanted a better face for themselves

  5. Psssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhht.  Yeah.

  6. you take medical advice from Tom Cruise too?

  7. She dared to discuss issues outside the range of topics that can be discussed in mass media. She dared to discuss the 9/11 Truth Movement, and thus suffered professionally. The same fate occured to Physics Professor Steven Jones of BYU and numerous others who are unknown to most of us. Even Mr. Ralph Nader will not risk asserting that 9/11 was an inside job. However, he does assert that all of the following topics are "off the table."

    List provided by

    - Adopt single payer national health insurance

    - Cut the huge, bloated, wasteful military budget

    - No to nuclear power, solar energy first

    - Aggressive crackdown on corporate crimeand corporate welfare

    - Open up the Presidential debates

    - Adopt a carbon pollution tax

    - Reverse U.S. policy in the Middle East

    - Impeach Bush/Cheney

    - Repeal the Taft-Hartley anti-union law

    - Adopt a Wall Street securities speculation tax

    - Put an end to ballot access obstructionism

    - Work to end corporate personhood

    - Defend, Restore and Strengthen the Civil Justice System

    - Adopt the National Initiative

    US media, including PBS, will immediately marginalize people asserting the validity of these important issues. These topics are either ridiculed or ignored by mass media and the editors of major news outlets.  It's no accident. Republicans and Democrats are unanimous in agreeing that all of these topics are "off the table." Pelosi sucks big time.

  8. WHOMP!!! WHOMP!!! WHOMP!!!

    Do ya fell that?!

    It's me and I'm beating you over the head with my aluminum baseball bat!

    WHOMP!!!  WHOMP!!! WHOMP!!!

    I can't stop myself from beating you!

    I'm on a mission!

    "...can't vote without her wisdom...", you say.

    Well, I aim to teach you how to think for yourself!

    Every WHOMP on your skull serves to clear away the cobwebs and allow you to think think for yourself!


    That's one for the road!

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