
Where on our Earth are the Extraterrestrial Aliens?

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And who are they?




  1. Gh, Erik Von Daniken, author of the "fine" tome "Chariots of the Gods" is nothing but a charlatan whose book is so full of holes that Rosie O'Donnell could almost fit through some.

    I am curious as to why all of the "Ufologists" are so quick to point out that humans are innately stupid, and incapable of stacking one rock on top of another as is the case with Giza without the intervention of space creatures.

    Show me the evidence that they have visited Earth.

  2. Well...depends on WHICH ones you're looking for...regardless of "which"; the are scattered in strategic places where they will be the most productive and easy to locate once it is time to leave ('cuz we're not sticking around on this rock forever).

    You'd recognize them if you were one of them...and if you were/are one of them you'd probably already know it.

  3. Alot of them I would be inclined to say are in the gov't. Personally, there are a lot of them around WNC. Come visit and go into the middle of nowhere outside of Black Mountain NC and you find out for yo'sef...

  4. The White House

  5. every where

  6. We have a lot here in the northwest, at least UFO's.  Don't know who is driving them,  they seem to have  lot military jets after them around here. The only one I ever saw was over a government base. Looked like a black triangle the size of a football stadium.  My gut felling is that they are locals.  We have a great road sign in eastern Washington-- " Caution!  Low flying experimental aircraft" I think that is who they are, the guys flying them them that is.

    Or they could be from Zeta Reticulum.

  7. A colony of extraterrestrial aliens was formed on Earth quite some years ago.  They were living on sand grains and unfortunately the sand was used in making a driveway and a concrete path around a house in Pretoria, South Africa.  Their spaceship was mistaken for an old aerosol can and is now several metres down in the city dump.

  8. Some podunk town in Texas.

  9. Take me, Embrace me,

    Let me in to your heart

    My love is abundant

    My light is the Stars

    Be my friend and love me true

    For you are me and I am you

    © Jewel

  10. The aliens aren't in style this year, so they figure they'll come back in about ten or fifteen years and call it retro.

  11. A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project indicate that they made an astonishing discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.

  12. I don't know that I've ever seen one. If I were an extraterrestrial, I'd disguise myself as a human being. I saw lots of that in the Sci-Fi movies I saw as a kid. Now you know how old I am.

    As for the "Chariots of the Gods," I haven't read it yet or even seen the movie (if there was one), but I do hope no editor let the word "breeded" get into print!


  14. Q. Where on our Earth are the Extraterrestrial Aliens?

    A. I'm here, but only in electronic form.

    Q. And who are they?

    A. I can't speak for the others, but I am me.

  15. We will let you know.

  16. All life on earth comes from a small speck of space trash that had a lone living organism on it from the cosmos. This evolved into all that is living on earth today. So technically, we are all Extraterrestrials

  17. i never saw any , i say anything is possible.

    the only ones i'd seen were on tv/ movies, my favorite is the silver surfer.

    if they are existing then someone is bound to meet them.

    i'd rather meet those from my species, usually safer.

  18. I lean toward the theory that we are descended from alien life forms.. I think we were primitive creatures and the aliens came here and breeded with us thus making humans as we are today.

  19. Utah. They call themselves mormans.

  20. lol, packinrat, that made no sense.....

    Your question is double edged, we dont know that there are extraterrestrials here on earth. However, if I was an extraterrestrial wanting to hide on this planet, my two choices of a hiding place would be underwater, and behind the moon.

  21. You little bit too curious my friend. Why would we divulge our positions.You'll  know soon enough ......when the time come.

    I'll personally deal with you..SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHDWOnk DWOnk DWok

    HIHIHIHHIHHI hqhqhqhqhq

  22. They are probably in remote mountain areas or under the polar ice caps due to their magnetic characteristics. The answer about behind the moon or in oceans are good.

    They are beings that are here to help us or hurt us.

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