
Where on the internet can I buy.....?

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Porno? It's for a errr...

Freind *yeah that'll do*




  1. It's pretty much everywhere... try meatspin... p.s d_nortontaylor is a noob

  2. your very sick minded please change and watch pokemon AGAIN!!(eyes are rolling)

  3. try its good and very fast.

  4. You cannot be serious, the question should read how can you avoid it and save the destruction of your computer, if you ever search any and every possible (even misspelled versions) word that even hints upon some sort os sexual visual stimulation. most inquiries with the exception of maybe playboy, will start a chain reaction of popup garbage that PIE (persistent internet encoding) and Cookies (log data files) that permanently remain on your hard drive, often bringing viruses, and clutter that can ruin the function of your system. Also beware of the possibility that a rougue FEDGOV could set up s**t sites as a way to sneak in underage material, obviously and rightfully illegal, but developed for the sole purpose of drawing money into litigation through the false accusations in the area that nobody will question or speak out on your behalf, for fear of being labeled as lacking moral serpitude, by association. This makes it the royal scam, a grift that seems of suspicious origination. If the FEDGOV can find anyone who looks upon illegal s**t, than it should be just as easy to shut down and prosecute the deliverers of it. making it too risky, by the simplicity of direct proof and simple location for capture, making it, illogical for an actual perv dement site to become existent at all, in the first place, yet you will read or see on news guys being caught because of this involvement, that wouldnt have happened if it didnt my question is simply. What percentage of so-called, pedophiles are actually this way by nature, to be kept separate from the rest, or actually just wimpy low testosterone types with selfish need of control over another, because of some self doubt fabrication, a fear of ones own inadequacy. Its the disregard for the healthy respectful bi-annual need of physcical contact in intimacy, not through wine and dine, only when lady wants, but 2 times a year for the man on his terms, so as to be acclumated with the other half of species, the rest of days. This disregard for the male in society creates this  non inclusive (unavailiable to others) escapism result. As a society, we havent saved our dauighters, if the pool of men they have to choose from. are emotional basket cases living in silent desparation. with the reinforcement of natural balanced male considerations over one billion dollars a year, would be circulated into wholesome family expenditures rather than this secretive dubious environment created by the very lack of respect for the males emotional developement, in society....just because its easier to sweep it under ther rug than to embrace and honestly understand the biological condition it actually is, not some wicked perversion. It can only become negative function if and when self absorbtion time of desire exceeds the modest amount acceptable. Like the other 3 we dissolve to evolve (vanity, power, gred) its a line everyone knows when they have crossed. this one by the non-inclusive unavailiability to others, within the cumulative synoptic paragon of our species.

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