
Where on the internet can I find a "normal" place to live in Puerto Rico? (non vacation rental)?

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I'm looking for web site(s) that would have listings for non-vacation rentals in Puerto Rico. I'm trying to get a good idea of the cost of renting a place to live there, and so far, the only things I've been able to find are vacation rentals in very cushy oceanfront villas, etc. I'm trying to find just a normal 1 -2 bedroom apartment.





    You can click for sale or for rent & see whats listed by area & price. This is the most visited classified site in PR. Goodluck

    There are also PR newspaper sites like el nueva dia but its in spanish only:

  2. try the classified  ads in the local newspapers

    and craig's list under puertorico

  3. no wonder you are having problems finding information. ok let me help u out before giving u a website.

    The drill is that in PR you wont really find apartments, the apartments u are looking for (like in the US) are called condos over here and a bit expensive, specially over the ocean view. what people over here call apartments are basically for low income people who live in projects called caserios, and u dont want to live there, its very ghetto and dangerous. so u dont want an apartment in PR, u want a condo, or a house who rents rooms(like usually students do), or a whole house for rent. if u are a student looking for a place to stay, u may want to find out what universities have dormes, we have a few who do have these facilities,specially the private institutions. we also have what we call urbanisacion, these are private houses one next to the others, kinda like townhouses. ask in san juan, they have little condos, 1-2 bedrooms, but expensive.

    ok, now the websites:

    san juan star- classifieds for rent/home

    el nuevo dia- classifieds for rent/home


    Cost depends on what you are looking for. The area Of Condado, Isla Verde is more expensive than Ocean Park and Old San Juan.  $600-800 is what you can expect to pay in a nice safe place. take care Raul

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