
Where on the map is the north american plates located????

by  |  earlier

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im trying to find out where it is located i know it is near some where in washington pics would be good or a really good discription on where it is located please and thank you





    were the brown one (north america) :)

  2. Find California on the North American Continent.  try to imagine the San Andreas fault running form the SF bay southward through the central valley, along the crest of the San Gabriel mountains, through the Coachella and imperial valleys.   See map link.  The land to the pacific ocean side of that fault, is the Pacific plate. The other`side is the North American plate.  By the time you hit Washington State...the whole land mass of the continent is North American.  Incidentally the plate that is just off of Washington is the Juan de Fuca plate and it is sub ducting...and is why the cascades are volcanic.

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