
Where online can I find some good stories that are unexplainable like the Titan being exactly like the titanic

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I read a book a couple days ago about weird things that have happened. They aren't ghost stories but are things like an ancient exctinct frog being found inside of a tree alive with no way to have gotten in or out and a guy who was a painter that painted people and they died shortly after he painted them. Is there a place online that has stories like that?




  1. This site is great it specializes in the unexplainable.I've hooked you up with a story about Aliens building the pyramids.

  2. check the links,please;

  3. if you play pink floyds Dark Side of the Moon  while watching the movie "Wizard of Oz" with the sound turned off, the sound effects line up, and the songs appear to be appropriate.

    Its usually refered to as the "Dark Side of Oz"

    Of course, when you look at the album, decorated with rainbows and such, and the evidence it is easy to believe that pink floyd designed the album that way, however its all just a coincidence.

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