
Where online can I go to look for Fiction Books?

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Like Science fiction and Historical fiction. You know, stuff like that,




  1. Be careful of on line reading. Books that are classics and the author is long dead are legal to read.

    However current books are usually NOT legal to read unless the author gives links on his or her website and invites you to read for free. Not many want to give away their work for free. That is understandable because writing books is how they make a living.

    Cory Doctorow is one of the few I know that don't mind. Since you like science fiction, the Baen Free Library will be of interest to you.

    Don't deal with the book pirates that steal an author's profits by tearing a book apart page by page and scanning it, then posting it on line for others to steal.

    Some public libraries have paid for licenses to put ebooks on their site but you have to type in your library card number.

    Librarian who knows copyright law

  2. well actually allmost any where i would go to barnes and noble they are a little expencive but its worth it.

  3. To buy or download or....?

  4. There are some great unknown authors out there.  Check out,, or to name just a few.    

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