
Where or to whom i can report illegal Gamble machines?

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Where or to whom i can report illegal Gamble machines?




  1. Sounds like someone lost thier money or got fired/ laid off. If you know for a fact there is illegal gambling going on report it to law enforcement and make sure your facts are straight.

  2. your local poliece station!

  3. Get over it - live your own life.

  4. I have had this problem where I live too.

    Just call the police and the people will get way busted.

    The cops considered it a huge crime where I live.

  5. wtf go enjoy them

  6. If gaming is permitted in your state, contact the Gaming Commission.  If not, why bother getting involved in something which can't possibly harm you if you are not putting any money into these machines?

  7. da police

  8. Why are you being a snitch? Don't be a hater, be a participator.

  9. it wont matter, possesion of gaming machines is only a misdemeanor...i'm from houston there's 6 places like this near my house, they get busted, two days later they back in business

  10. they have police where you live?

  11. Department of Law Enforcement of the locality that the machines are installed.

  12. Who gives a c**p unless you own your on illegal gambling machines and there steeling your bussiness. If there stealing your business dont call the cops theyll just start up. Go sabotage them.

  13. Illegal gambling machines are a major problem in many communities.  Depending on where the machines are or where you are at, there can be numerous answers.  First, would be to alert your local or county law enforcement agencies.  They will probably interview you and begin an investigation based on your report.  They will discern whether or not the machine(s) are in fact "illegal" and the offender in the suggestable crime.  No need to worry about your identity being exposed.  Tell them that you would like to remain confidential and that should not be a problem.  Unfortunately, recently.... in some areas, municipal and county law enforcement agencies have been comprimised and some have been know to "cover" for the establishment hosting the illegal machines.  I am not saying cops are bad, h**l, I AM one!  But, it is a possibility.  Next, try your Distric Attorney's Office.  Some DAs have Investigations Divisions and they can make the case, themselves.  Last, attempt to notify your states Investigation Bureau.  In Oklahoma we have the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations (OSBI).  They are the top dogs for your state and will surely get the job done.  If you choose to contact any of the mentioned agencies, you should consider contacting another too. That way, they will keep tabs on the underlying agency to get the task and investigation completed (no cover-ups).  I know this was a long answer but I hope it helped!  Good luck.

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