
Where should I eat on my anniversary in Boston?

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I'm going to see Blue Man group in the Theater District at 8:00 on a Saturday. I want to find a nice place to eat and have some drinks in the area before the show - price doesn't matter, as it's a special occasion. It has to be near the Theater District so we don't risk being late. Any suggestions would be mucho appreciated!!!!




  1. Davio's is great and it's right down the street...great Northern Italian food...

    Also Via Matta is an excellent choice..also Italian...

    Both are expensive but well worth it...have fun at the show and Happy Anniversary!

  2. Torch (elegant)

    La La Rohk (exotic)  

    Paramount (casual)

    Here is a link that might help you:

    Have a great time.  I've seen BMG twice and it's absolutely fantastic.  Be sure to take your camera and get a picture with one of the blue men!

  3. the north end definetly go on hanover street and rad menus outside of resterants and see what you likeo r what ever looks like a cute place to hang then go get desert at lulus they have the msot amazing cupcakes ever they have there own version of a hostest cup cake and they have woppie pies and all diffrent types with very ice decorations on them it is SO CUTE and YUMMY!!!!!!!!! it was in the newpaper and everything. sometimes i drive 40 minutes just to go get a delicous treat from lulu's.

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