
Where should I eat tonight, taco bell or wendy's?

by  |  earlier

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I'm hungry and Chipotle is closed




  1. Id choose Taco Bell Comida buena

  2. your an idiot. taco bell is way better then Wendy's. and if your waiting for a response to this question rather then going and figuring out what you want too eat, you a r****d.

  3. I think you should eat Wendy's because Taco Bell only limited to Mexican food, instead, Wendy's has a variety of food that you can choose

  4. That's easy. Wendy's. Taco Bell tastes like ****.

  5. Wendy's because I need my Frosty fix!

  6. Try Taco Bell.   You might like the Double Decker Tacos.

  7. taco bell!!! mmmm

  8. yo quiero taco bell!

  9. neither. pick-up stix, rubio's, or maybe in-n-out. i head that there r bugs in the tacos at taco bell.

  10. ummm,  definitely Wendy's-- i don't like Taco Bell much, poor quality food   -

  11. Eat some poison and quit asking stupid questions!

  12. Tainted meat & rats.......errrrrrrrrrrr ummmmmm Wendy's I guess.

  13. TACO BELL!

  14. Make a run for the border!  The BELL!

  15. Wendy's

  16. TB!  That new platter rocks!

  17. wendys because taco balls has cockaroaches in their food.

  18. Dude they r both too unhealthy....greasy!!!!! go to arbys..the cheesy sauce is the best!!!

  19. BACONATOR!!!!!!!! WENDY"S

  20. taco bell.....order me nacho supreme xtra cheese

  21. Wendy's..their hamburgers are good and i love their different sides

  22. *** taco bell choose wendys cuz its american food and taco bell is wayyyyyyy unhealthy.

  23. I would Choose WENDY's because there Jr. bacon cheeseburgers are the best there there chiscken nuggets rule and the frostys are awesome so wendys PLEASE.

  24. It's a Wendy's chilli kind of night!

  25. It depends if you want heart disease in 10 years or in 15 years.

  26. WENDYS and you a frosty FIX....

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