
Where should I get a tattoo?

by  |  earlier

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Okay to start... if you don't like tattoos I don't want to hear it because I don't care!

So for my birthday (in a few months) I want to get a small star tatoo (because stars symbolize many things for me) and I want to get it somewhere that if I lose or gain weight it's not going to get all messed up looking. I was thinking my shoulder. Will that stay looking the same? Any other areas? I don't want a messed up looking tattoo if things change lol.





  1. I'm very into foot tattoos, I think they are so cute on a girl. You should get it in the same placement as this person:

    You can get one on both feet! I have to warn you though, it's gonna hurt! Skin is sensitive in that area. If it's worth it to you though then I think you should! I've never heard of a person gaining weight on their foot plus it's easy to cover up if you get a job that doesn't want you to have tattoos.

    Good luck deciding, hope I sparked an idea! (:

  2. Get one on your arm.

  3. just some advice;

    dont get it on your lower back.

    its considered a tramp stamp.

    it sounds like your upper

    shoulder is a good idea.

    thats what i would do.

    plus it wont look bad when

    you get older. :)

  4. Don't get it on the lower back (aka Tramp Stamp). If you gain weight, it doesn't look that good. The foot, ankle, wrist, and upper back are ok places.

  5. Personally i wouldnt get a star if i was you. Get something a little more exciting. i have 15 stars on me ha ha and there is not reason for them. Alhtough i have two sleeves and they are spread out as space fillers. If you do have your heart set on a star then i would recomend getting it on the back of your neck. Shoulder is Cliche lower back is Cliche, wrist is trampy. One word of advice from a heavily tattooed person. THINK before you act

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