
Where should I go to voice my protests of high prices on everything?

by  |  earlier

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I want to know if there are any websites that give you e-mail or snail mail addresses of where to write to the big wigs at the oil companies, the government, and anyone else who will listen to complaints about the high prices of necessities.




  1. It helps to understand the problem before you go off blaming the wrong people for it.

    Mostly though, change has to start with yourself. Start doing things that will help you become more self sufficient. Raise some of your own food, compost your kitchen waste, take fewer showers in cooler water, line dry your clothes...

    Take responsibility for your own life and your own needs and see what you can cut down. Be part of the solution and stop whining and being part of the problem.

  2. the prices are like hig way robbing.

    i feel some of the big guns are involved in flaming up the prices claming shortages and higher demand.

    if they increase our sallaries to a level that we do not feel the pinch it ok. but they want to keep us as slaves and suck out blood. i also think there are going to be many revoloutions on the ay when ppl in the non industrial countries form gangs of hungey people. ther will ransack and burn property of all the rich.

    i am just waiting for that day.

  3. Big-wigs at oil companies do not set oil prices.  Oil is a commodity.  The price is set world-wide by supply and demand.  Most commodity prices have been rising significantly recently and there is not too much that you can do about it except to reduce your consumption.  Democrats in Congress have killed off the nuclear power industry and stopped every proposal to build new refineries, so I suppose you could write your congressperson.  Best of luck with that.

  4. You cannot protest against economics. You need to determine why the prices are high and correct the problem. The businesses can not just arbitrarily raise prices. Supply and demand + competition will keep prices down. Prices will go up if the companies can not sell their product for that price and make money anymore.

  5. I know some of them are necessities....

    but the best way to get a businessman to listen to you is to stop buying something.

    Try and spend less at the pump.  Get frugal at the grocery store.  People can live 30 to 45 days without food.  I'm not suggesting you do that, just saying to cut down drastically on what you do eat.  

    It's kinda sad, but I'm going to start drinking slim fast on some days.  Vitamins are in there.. and some shakes are high in protein.  The Wal-Mart version is about 3 or 4 bucks.

  6. The real question is do you want to run your mouth, or do you want to DO something? Talk is cheep and your voice will go out long before anyone cares to listen to what you have to say. If you want to DO something, start by being efficient, austere. Decide what 'necessities' really are, and let the rest fall by the wayside. Hurt the SOBs the only way they can be hurt: in the pocket book!

  7. You could try searching on .

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