
Where should I have lunch today?

by Guest33389  |  earlier

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I'm so hungry and I hate going to lunch before noon because the rest of the day just drags on and on and on...So to kill time before going to lunch I decided that I'll ask Y/A! and then go where they say. I work a short distance from almost every major fast food place on earth...if you can think of it, I work close to it. There's also a mall close by with all the typical mall stuff (hot dog on a stick, anyone?) and a strip mall with "nicer" fast food options (i.e. fatburger, chipotle, jerry's deli). Help me decide! I'm so hungry!




  1. If You need to ask, salad. and diet coke.

  2. buffalo wings and salid.

  3. 5 dollar foot long

  4. yeah wendys! maybe a frosty 2!

  5. have some chili at Wendy's

  6. Go to the dollar store and there you will find what ever you want to eat and by the way it doesn't caust too much.

  7. FATBURGER!!!!!!!!ROCKS!!!!(I don't even know what fatburger is!???!?)(tilts head like blonde!)what?

  8. Go somewhere independent, stay away from chain brands

  9. mabey you should eat at a park

  10. I'm NOT thinking Arby's...

  11. 5 dollar footlong made your way  at Subway.

  12. What's the weather like? Is it dreary and crappy out like it is here on Long Island? Have some soup!

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