
Where should I invest my sons inheritance?

by Guest56148  |  earlier

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My son is 7 years old and received an inheritance a little over $10,000 (US dollars) from his Great- Grandfather. He is not aloud to touch it until he is 21 years old, unless he goes to college (which he will). What is the best place to invest the money? I wanted to do 1/2 in a savings account or a CD and the other 1/2 in stock. I had money in stock and lost a lot after 9/11, so that is why I don’t want to put it all there. Any suggestions?




  1. A group highly professional traders have been offering our services in the field of management of financial actives in international currency market Forex.   Profitableness from 7%-11% per one month.


  2. I am a fund manager since 1997, and this is what I tell my clients.

    Investing is like building a football team. You select players who will play defense, and players who will do offense. You are their coach.

    Your defense will consist of experts in the field of debt securities, investments that bring you a fixed amount of return. These could be treasury bills, bank CDs, even rent from real estate. Your defensive line up should be experts in determining medium to long term direction of interest rates. Their job is capital preservation.

    Your offesive line up should consist of experts in the field of trading--stock market, foreign exchange, commodities. Their job is to grow your money. These people understand risk when trading financial markets, and know when to trade and make money for you, and when not to trade to minimize loss.

    With such a team, you will monitor their performance on a quarterly basis. Weed out those who do not perform as expected.

    For seasoned investors, I tell my clients to allocate 50% of total portfolio each, to both offense and defense. If you are new to this, you can allocate 80% of your total portfolio to defense, and 20% to offense.

    The price of oil has been going up 48.9% on average each year. If you only invest on defense, you are losing money. You need to balance your asset allocation to both defensive investments, and offense. Hope this helps.


  3. You can put it into I Series US Savings bonds, which pay a guaranteed return plus and adjustment for inflation.

  4. are you in Canada or US?

    Stay away from the bank!

    look up

  5. Invest in something that nobody is making anymore.


  6. Lock it up in a guaranteed instrument.........He won't be able to do anything with it until he's 21........

  7. Do You have RESP's in the US? If so that's the best option. The government matches Your contrabution dollar for dollar up to a preset amount, (sorry can't remember what that amount is, I think it's $5,000) & it's tax free!

  8. I enjoy my oil company stocks ALOT

  9. I would suggest going to the bank tell them you want to lock up this money until your son is 21 and you want a higher interest rate since it will be in there for such a long time.

    When my husband was 7 he received a settlement from an accident $9K it was locked in at wells fargo until he turned 18 he ended up with $23K

  10. Use an "ING" account for savings they have the best interest rate. Savings bonds are safe. I would do a 20 year bond. Only do a couple. Like $500.00 to $1000.00. You really can talk with a financial adviser at your own bank.

    Invest in a company that you know for sure that is not going to go out of business. Like Walmart, any battery company Energize.

    Money markets are really risky. If you get a portfolio usually you will get mixed with high risk companies where you could lose money & then they give you low risk companies. I have a friend who is always making money on the stock exchange & emails me some tips once in a while but he said that the best place to invest your money right now, believe it or not, it's gold & oil. I also go to an investment site which I have attached below.

  11. you need to talk to a financial adviser and a lawyer. If you lose money by investing that is theft in some cases.! Get advise now!!

  12. Assuming that this money will be used in 14 years, I would definitely not recommend mutual funds or bonds, etc. You and your son have a great opportunity to make the money grow. As far as losing money after 9/11. The market actually had been in a bear market for months before 9/11, and that was just added pain. Nonetheless, the market has recovered from that point.

    A few myths about mutual funds before you consider them.

    1) Very few actually outperform the market on a regular basis. The ones that do typically only by a few percentage points per year.

    2)As an individual investor you actually have great advantages over the so called experts. For one, the myth that you can't time the market, which has been perpetuated by the mutual fund community, is FALSE. Look at history of the market. There are clear indications of markets that rally and ones that are in a downtrend. Indicators like new market leadership, insitutional support, and markets trading above their 200 day moving average all are supportive of markets in rally mode. The key as an individual investor, is that during market rallies you can greatly outperform experts because you can get in an out of markets easily with the size of your portfolio.

    In order to take advantage of the opportunity to self manage your sons 10k, either educate yourself or use a stock picking service. Here is an article you can read about how to select a stock picking service.

  13. if you have a working knowledge of finances its different answer. if your financial unaware you need a trusted fund like vanguard, the largest in the country. they dont have payments for you using their services, but if you use other aspects of their services they do charge. they also have programs to teach and educate their clients. they feel an informed educated client is the best ones......................

    i put 50,000. in a fund for my son at birth, he used some of it to pay for his college, and rolled it over for his 4 kids and still has lots left.

  14. Well, you have a 14 year time horizon to grow his money.  Although you lost money after 9/11 in the stock market, the market has bounced back quite a bit since then, and many stocks have done well...just check out Apple since 9/11!

    Your best bet is to invest the money in a couple of growth oriented mutual funds for the next 10 to 12 years.  As he gets closer to the age where he will have access to the money, shift it to more conservative investments so that whatever gains have been made in the account are preserved for when he will have access to the money.  

    Scott Cole

  15. put the money in only  a safe place so you never lose any of it....too many people lose their money by taking chances and I for one could never afford that....I always made sure that I would a least have the amount I started with

  16. Why not speak to a financial advisor?  They know best how to make your money make money.


    He stole it from me but that is okay.  He wins.  

    CDs are no good because right now rates are very low so you would be locking away your son's money for a long time at a low rate.  If inflation increases, your investment return gets smaller.  You could do stocks (as I do) but 90% of people can't handle the sways of the market.

    SO the best investment for your son is the series I bond.  You get inflation+ a percentage.  So if inflation goes to 10%, then you will get at least 11% on your investment.  Not bad right?

    A second pro of these bonds is the interest is deferred until it is cashed out meaning that you will pay the taxes on the interest when the bond is redeemed years down the road rather than paying it every year on your taxes like all other investments.

    THE ABSOLUTE BEST reason why I like these bonds is if you use the bond for your son's college, the interest earned will be TAX FREE!!

    My daughter is one right now but we are buying her series I bonds in anticipation that she will go to college.

  18. Interest rates are low now so I wouldn't look in a long term CD right now, maybe an online savings account would be better, the rates are variable to when rates increase so will the interest rate you receive, this site has a good article on online savings accounts,

    I would also stick with mutual funds for the other 1/2, you would have a professional picking stocks and you will be more diversified.

  19. My son had 3,000 dollars when he was 8 so I went to the bank and asked advise.  They told me B stocks were good for long investment with not much risk.  I lost about a third of it when ready to use for schooling.  Too bad for us.  I suggest what you said to put some in savings.  I got a CD about a year ago for 5 percent.  good rate, but it was only for a year.  So I will see how I invest now.  Some say now is the time to invest low and get high returns in the long run.  Good luck in whatever you do.  :)

  20. Great question!  

    I recommend that you place it all in a Treasury Direct 10-year Note account.  It will return about 4%/year and will be state income-tax exempt.  More importantly, you will be able to show your son how he is financing part of our country's $9.4 TRILLION collective debt.  You can use the account as an object lesson for life.  The Note would mature when he is 17 and then you can consider re-investing or other options for his college and beyond.

    If you are interested (pun intended) go to this site:

    Click on the "Open an Account" link.

    There are no commissions, no fees and no broker calls.  The accounts are extremely secure and safer that virtually any other investment.

    Good luck and clearly you are a thoughtful parent.

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