
Where should I keep my puppy??

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What to keep my puppy in?

I am away from my house for quite some time, anywhere from nothing one day, to 14 the next, so i really cant keep him on a schedule. Until i get him completely potty trained, i want to keep him confined.(i've done my research) I was keeping him in the crate for when i was gone for only 4 hours at a time. But today, i was gone for a solid, 10 hours. (someone came and let him out once) I locked him in the bathroom, with his crate(w/o door), a few toys, and water. It was just enough space for him to move around in. I keep all of that stuff in my room on a regular basis, so i do not want to keep moving it, because;

a. It's to of trouble for me

b. It will confuse him probably.

So, i am trying to decide what to get to put him in during the day, because i don't want him locked up in a crate for 10 hours. I would just keep him in my room, but who knows where he'll pee in there, and i have lots of electrical equipment in my bedroom.

I want to find something that it at least 4'x4'x4'. I would like it big enough to kit a crate, a few toys, water, and just a little floor space, i'm thinking maybe a net type thing, or a wire pen. I really would like for it to be under 30 dollars, if you find something, post the link. Also, please tell me your recent expierences with these sorts of things. Also, even if you dont have a link, just tell me some info about the product! I do not want something that will transpher the dog from inside to outside, such as a doggie door, it a doggie run, i do not have that kind of money, nor do i want hime to have a doggie door, cause i dont want him accidently getting through the wires, and getting loose. I want something that i can fit inside.





  1. You could always get a puppy fence. Those are expensive though. Just lay down some newspaper and that should cover it.

  2. I would get baby gates and gate him  in the kitchen with the tv on for company and make sure he has light whether it's natural or sunlight.  Don't forget during the winter months, it gets dark early.  Keep a crate with a nice bed in there with the door open so he has a nice place to sleep and take his bone into.  I'd look into doggie daycare for the days you know you are going to be gone a long time cause it's not right to keep a dog alone like that.  

  3. No facility or setup is going to raise this poor puppy for you, nd it really makes me sad to think you would try. He really deserves a home where someone will be there to care for him for most of the day,.spend time with him, and not just stop in for a shower, sleep, stick him somewhere, and then go back to work.  

    If there is more than one day a week where you are gone for 10 to 14 hours at a stretch, a puppy is simply not the right pet for you.  You should find this one a better place to be, and then if you think you need a pet, get a cat or a couple of small adult dogs who are bonded together, and a regular petsitter to take care of them on your long work days.

      But this is not humane - this is the same as bringing home an infant and leaving it in a box...and I can only hope that is not what you mean to do.


  4. You had it right the first time. A crate. Do not give him enough free space to poo and get away from it until he is completely housebroken. The whole point is that the crate be big enough for him to lay down in and stand up and turn around in, no bigger.  If you have someone to walk him during the day this should be fine.If he can make a mess and walk away from it you're going to have a dog who messes in the house and walks away. And a side note: if you really want him to do his business outside wee wee pads usually will just confuse him.

    they say "okay you can go inside" and then one day you say "no, you cannot go inside". Very confusing for a pup.

  5. on a tile or wooden floor in case it needs to go when no ones home(easier to clean up). and you can leash it to a table or something or leave it loose. leave toys for it to play w/ and a bed for it to sleep in!!!


    tie the dog up outside and check ur fence and make sure there are no places it could get out and inform ur neighbors just incase.

  6. yeah, i agree with nicoles answer. i own two wiener dogs and when i leave the house i block off the kitchen and they stay there

  7. I put our two dogs in the kitchen with a dog gate and leave the tv on for something to listen too.  I also leave food and water in there.  They do well, and they were not happy when we tried crates.  They would just bark and bark.

  8. Do you have a kitchen you block the puppy in with the crate and food and water and puppy pads? I even put a small radio on for soft music since I was gone.

    This is what I did and I work a full time job. She is almost 1 yr old and she turned out just fine. I dont like to crate dogs I think its cruel.

    Goodluck :o)

  9. You can buy a certain kind of pen. It's for little kids or pets. The dog can't get out unless you open the door, and there are no wires. If you think it is to small, you can buy extra panels. I'm not sure how much it would cost. I think this would be a very good choice, but it is up to you.

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