
Where should I place my toddlers car seat??

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Usually I place my 3yr olds car seat in the middle of the backseat so I can better see her & she can look around but I've recently seen a lot of car seats that are placed behind the driver or passenger seat. So I was wondering what’s the difference as far as safety or does it just come down to preference?




  1. In my opinion you are best off placing her in the middle. When I was pregnant with my son I attended a parenting class. They stated that placing the child in the middle is the safest. Statistically most accidents happen to the passenger side of the car. Think about it, if you get hit in the side of your vehicle and your child is sitting right on the passenger or drivers side, they are going to get a lot of that impact. Middle is best.

    I know some people place their kids on the passenger/driver side because it is easier to get them in and out and/or their car does not have the needed latches or seat belts in the middle to properly place the car seat.

    Some people think if your child is in the middle and you are involved in a crash, they will go flying into the front of the car. Not true. If they are properly fastened into their seat or booster seat that will not happen.

    I would keep her in the middle!!

  2. I remember hearing something about this just the other day and yes it is the middle that is safest because it will receive the least impact in an accident. Unless the middle seat has a split down it for folding, then it is unsafe. After that its the one behind the passenger seat (I guess thats so you can see them easily) followed by the one behind the drivers seat.

  3. I do believe that the middle is the safest, or atleast that is what I thought, because that is what I do.  

  4. Mine is behind the drivers seat. My sister told me that whenever you get in a wreck it is instinct to save yourself  or your side of the car. Made sense to me. When doing research, it only says the back seat.

  5. The safest place is in the middle of the back seat facing towards the rear of the vehicle. If placed on either side there is a greater risk that your child would be injured during a side impact.

  6. Safest is in the middle. I went to a child car seat safety training for work. If you got hit in the side of your car your child will get hit. Also rear facing as long as possible, probably not possible for your 3 year old, but the APA is now suggesting up to 35 lbs rear facing but is not yet required by law. Also backseat is strongly recommended by the APA, which makes sense, since they are farther from the windshield. I know in my state there are car seat safety checks at firestations, town offices, and other sites depending on the town. Check with your town office to see if they do this to make sure car seat is installed properly, you would be surprised.

  7. The middle is the safest place!

  8. It's safest in the middle.  But many people put them on the sides because it's easier, or because there are two carseats that have to fit in the car.

  9. well I dont think she needs a car seat. I think you do though lol how about letting her drive she could be the female Dale Erheart lol. no just kidding but how about the middle really is the safest and like you said you can see her by glancing through the rear view..good job babes.

  10. The middle is the 'safest' spot for your toddler.  This is only becasue you never know which side your car could get hit from.  Obviously if you were hit on the passenger side , behind the driver is safest but you can never predict an accident.  Some people place there kids where they find it more convienent.  My 3 year old climbs in and I sit down & buckle him.  So I see no inconvienence in keeping him in the middle.  Keep your seat where it is!!  Best of luck with your little one.

  11. I put my daughter's in the middle, I figure if we were ever in a side-impact crash that's the safest place.  And if they are in properly, they shouldn't be moving forward.  Like the first answer said, some people have more than one carseat and don't have a choice about putting one in the middle, or they do it out of convenience.  

  12. I think the safest is in the middle really. Would you want your child RIGHT NEXT to a window that could shatter if someone threw a rock at it? I think not, at least in the middle there is some distance between the glass and the child.

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