
Where should I put all this stuff?Please help.?

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There is no more room in my bedroom to put all my instruments,my pianos,guitar,and drums,I COULD set everything up in the basement but it's already pretty crowded with the computer(I have my own computer,it is my own room,my parent's computer is the one in the basement,and it can not be moved somewhere else),washer and dryer,etc.,or I could set up in my attic,there is a LOT of room in the attic,although there are things in there, it can be moved.I'm a little skeptical to set up in my attic though,it doesn't have a carpet,just some plain wood,makes the room kind of scary looking haha, and the walls are just like cotton...sorry I'm not very good with terms involving building lol.So I don't know how good an idea it would be to set up there.But these are the only two places I can set my stuff up.Which seems like a better idea to you guys?Thanks y'all :] I asked this question earlier but got only one response.




  1. Do you still use the instruments? If no then probably sell them or put them in storage. If you want to set up a music room then put carpet down in the attic and set up there. The carpet will help deaden the noise to the rooms below. Some of the stuff in the attic might be able to be moved to the basement. Then you will have your own area to be in.

  2. I'd go for the attic, grab an offcut of carpet, or ebay some (you can get a relatively large piece quiet cheaply) to put up there, I'd worry about moisture and rapid temperature changes (from the dryer, boiler etc) affecting your instruments in the basement... but if you are talking an upright piano, well I hope you aren't moving it alone!!  If the walls are thin, you may need to insulate them with something for soundproofing, maybe do a test run up there to see how the noise travels (while your parents are home to listen of course!)

  3. ebay

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