There is no more room in my bedroom to put all my instruments,my pianos,guitar,and drums,I COULD set everything up in the basement but it's already pretty crowded with the computer(I have my own computer,it is my own room,my parent's computer is the one in the basement,and it can not be moved somewhere else),washer and dryer,etc.,or I could set up in my attic,there is a LOT of room in the attic,although there are things in there, it can be moved.I'm a little skeptical to set up in my attic though,it doesn't have a carpet,just some plain wood,makes the room kind of scary looking haha, and the walls are just like cotton...sorry I'm not very good with terms involving building lol.So I don't know how good an idea it would be to set up there.But these are the only two places I can set my stuff up.Which seems like a better idea to you guys?Thanks y'all :] I asked this question earlier but got only one response.