
Where should I sit at lunch tomorrow? I don't know anyone!!?

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Ok so we had our Freshman First Day today & it was just freshman only and we all ate lunch together. But tomorrow, I have a different lunch from all my friends and I don't really know anyone else. I'm nervous about just asking to sit with someone who looks nice, because I don't want to seem like a loser. What do I do??




  1. You need to find someone that looks like someone you would mesh with and then go up nicely and ask if you can sit there.  Dont worry about looking like a looser.  People will want to sit with you and be friends with you if you display confidence.  Try not to worry about what other people think, and even if you do dont let them know.

    It sounds kinda lame but if you carry yourself like someone special everyone eles will find you that way.

    good luck!

  2. Talk to people in your classes. You could get to know them and when you do ask if they have the same shift and sit with them.

  3. Be calm, cool and collected and bring your I-pod and chill out.. maybe someone will COME TO YOU. If not, there's always tommorow.  

  4. Find someone who looks like they might be even more nervous about it than you are, and invite them to sit with you.  Then you will look like a confident, decent person who isn't that worried about anything.  Nothing says cool like being calm and sure of yourself enough to help someone else out while doing your own thing.

    If you do this with a few people, you will have created a group, hence in addition to looking cool you will look popular, and others will join you.  Also, you will probably become popular in real life instead of just looking it, because people will know you are a stand-up person and not all into yourself and gross.

  5. try meeting new people in your classes before lunch, then you will hopefully find someone cool to sit with.

    Dont worry im in the same boat as you, im going to a new school, and my strategy is to smile and be open to new friends. So try that and hopefully everything works out for you !


  6. ask one of your friends to introduce you to one of their friends who eat the same lunch as you... or try to find someone in one of your classes with the same lunch so that before you get there you will know at least one person to look for. then you wont feel as awkward...

  7. I'm a freshman too and they'll understand that your friends aren't there. Just explain the situation and they might even have the same problem the other day. I know how hard it is, good luck!

    Hope this helps!

  8. You will probably find someone you know.  I think it is impossible for you not to know anyone in your lunch.  I wouldn't worry about it.  I am sure you will just go with the flow when you get there.  

  9. Unless there are names on the seats, you can seat wherever your little heart desires.

  10. just sit alone and act like you have some other busniss to do , ie hold your phone, just act importaint, u will make friends dont try to hard

  11. You've got it exactly backwards.  People who are friendly to strangers and socially comfortable are not losers.  You won't seem like a loser if you approach a stranger, smile, and say hello.  You will seem confident and outgoing.  If the person you approach is put off by this, then she's got the problem, not you.

  12. I'll bet you have at least one of your friends in your lunch group.  That would be really strange to not have even one. I would just sit down by myself with a book or something to look at while I'm eating.  You know, read.  That way it looks like you're into something, not just waiting for someone to approach you.  But if someone does, put the book down and be polite.  Things will warm up as you begin to meet new people.  

  13. I'm thinking no matter what you do at lunch tomorrow, you definitely need to just sit at a table and eat your lunch. Saying hi to people is kinda optional. Be yourself.

  14. I waited until lunch was over and sat with the lunch ladies.  I did this all four years of high-school and for four semesters in college and I turned out fine.

  15. Find someone who you know who they are and like, even if you aren't very great friends. If you don't know anybody at all find someone who you think looks friendly and ask to sit with them. Ask questions and make conversation! Freshman year of high school is a great time to make new friends.

  16. Definitely ask someone! I did that everytime I moved to a new school and it always got me into a nice group of friends. Just remember to smile and you'll do fine, I promise! :D

  17. well you could always sit outside under a tree? if your allowed to sit outside and if its nice... if your gol is to ake some new friends, try and sit alone in a populated part... maybe someone will see you and talk to you :)

    good luck though

    in high school i get to walk home for lunch :P

  18. There will be other people in the exact situation who feel the same way as you.  It will all work out, and who knows, you could end up making friends.

  19. If i were you i wouldnt mind to sit alone because all it is really is lunch. Highschool may seem like it's all about friends and being social .. but it's all about your grades and how well you do. Sit by yourself and read a book or do homework so that you won't have to do it at home. I would sit by myself if I didn't know anybody either =]

  20. I'm assuming you have some classes before lunch... why don't you try to meet someone during one of your classes, start chatting with them, and then be like, hey, when do you have lunch? Do you want to have lunch with me? Chances are there are other people who are in the same position as you are.  

  21. There will be other new students as well;; and then you can make friends with them.

  22. i always seem to not have lunch with my friends.

    today i sat with my ex boyfriend.


    anyway, when i went to a different school for a semester i asked to sit with this quiet girl that talked to me for five minutes in one of my classes and that was all good.

    she had all her friends there so i looked like just another friend at the table,

    and if you pick right no one will think you're a loser.

    just don't ask to sit with the popular s***s.

    simple. find someone nicer. =]

    ORRR. just don't go to lunch.

    i'm a junior now and last year i just didn't go to lunch.

    we have a big campus quad thing and two buildings so

    i just walked around for a half hour & ate my bagged lunch.

    and the plus to that for me was this cute kid saw me walking around and joined me. =]

  23. I would sit with the quiet, decent looking girls. If you sit with the beautiful popular group you're bound to get gossiped about eventually. There is probably a cute, quiet girl you could make friends with temporarily and not ruin your reputation, also, she might be really sweet and able to help with homework LOL

  24. Just be yourself. Ask if this seat is taken and if they would mind you sitting there. Also, try making friends before lunch in a class or something. I had this problem when I moved. I ended up taking someone's seat in class and made a friend that way.

  25. So you'll make a new friend. You'll probably see someone you had a class with earlier. You'll say Hi, they won't have anyone to eat with either and that'll be it. Or you'll eat alone. There's nothing wrong with that. Either way, it's really not worth worrying about.

  26. I bet you are not the only one in that boat.

    I would sit and be brave and ask anyone if they have so and so for a teacher. Start up a converasation and you just might find your best friend for life!

  27. don't eat lunch, just go up to the coolest kid in school, knock them out, and walk out

    then everyone will want to sit by you the next day

  28. Try to make friends using small talk inside a class and then sit with them at lunch or you could just sit alone and maybe others like yourself will ask to sit with you.

  29. Sit by yourself.Be very different.

  30. sit on the biggest dong you can find

  31. Ok chances are, you'll have lunch with some other freshmen.

    Because there's not going to be like a thousand different lunches to separate all the freshmen.

    So stop the worrying you'll be fine

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