
Where should I sit at the Chicagoland Motor Speedway?

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My boyfriend is a MAJOR Nascar fan, and he is turning 30 this year, so for his birthday, I want to get him tickets to the Joliet Nascar Sprint race (USG Sheetrock 400). Where are the best seats? Tickets are pretty expensive, but I would like to know at least where to aim for...





  1. A chair or a seat would.  Maybe pack a cushion

  2. At any track your best bet is pretty high up, but I dont like the very top.(ex: theres 50 rows, sit at like row 40)  And usually as close as to the start/finish is the best, or sometimes the begining of turn one/end of front stretch. Have fun!

  3. Dont let the people tell you its a bad place to watch a race.  It can get strung out, but everyone can race their own line - all the way to the wall.  I have been to Daytona and I think restrictor plate races are a boring place to watch a race.  They are riding in a big pack and luck and timing has more to do with winning than having a good car.

  4. Well, Chicagoland only has seats on the frontstretch, so all sections should be really good.  Aim for row 30 or higher, so you can see the whole trach better.  Don't go below row 20.

  5. in front of the TV. chicagoland is one of the worst tracks to see a race. save your money

  6. With the 75,000 seats all siutated on the front straight. I would get tickets at the end of the pit road exit.

    They look like the best besides the start finish line.

    You reallly want to make it sweet, rent a suite for the race.

    Here is a link to the interactive seating chart.

  7. you want to sit as high up as possible to see more of the track

  8. How about at HOME ! Save your money and cook him a steak on the grill, dress in some swanky clothes, and make him forget about the race. That would have to be more interesting than a Shitcagoland race anyway !

  9. There is no such thing as a good seat at at BORING venue! Chicagoland is one of those clone tracks that races are like watching paint dry. If you want to give him a racing experience he'll never forget try Bristol, Martinsville, TALLADEGA, Daytona, Richmond or The Sprint All-star race at Charlotte. Go with him on the road trip and ENJOY!!!! P.S. All I ever get for my birthday is a tie!

  10. there really is not a bad seat in the house, but the higher you sit the better view if the whole track you get, my seats are halfway up out of turn four. don't let the people saying that its a bad venue scare you out of going its a great track plenty of things to do outside of the track on the midway, trust me you will enjoy it. GO SMOKE 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. the higher the better ya kno but i would say start/finish line or a turn so there would be more action

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