
Where should I stay in Guatemala long-term?

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I am an American Woman and wish to foster my own child. I will be traveling with my toddler and infant. Where should I stay? How much should I figure for housing expenses? I have only ever stayed in Zona Viva in GC but is Antigua better for a family? I would like to stay somewhere that has a small garden or park available for my toddler. I speak minimal Spanish but I am learning. I also would need to be able to take cabs to grocery stores, etc. I am interested in a small apartment with a bed, kitchen and bathroom (with hot water). I appreciate any info people could send on.




  1. My family is moving to Guatemala in a few weeks, and we are moving to Aguacatan, Huehuetenango. It is a small village about an hour from Huehuetenango, Huehuetenango. (A much bigger city, but nothing like Guatemala City!) Spanish is spoken some, but mostly Indian dialects. Learning while there is much easier than trying out of a book or CD. I am a slow learner, and just hope I can get along with my extremely broken Spanish. This is my husband's home town, so he will have no problem. Have a great time wherever you go, and if you are ever in our area, ask for the 'big, white, healthy woman'! Chances are someone standing nearby will know who I am!

  2. Hi Regina.  I would definitely stay away from Guatemala City unless you want to live in the really expensive areas.  Violence is a big deal there.  I would suggest that you stay in Antigua for maybe a week or two.  You can get a nice hotel for around $20/night. Some affordable hotels near the central plaza are:

    Posada las Rosas-

    6a. Avenida Sur No. 8


    Hotel la Tatuana-

    7a Avenida Sur No. 3

    Hotel Posada de Doña Angelina-

    4a. Calle Poniente No. 33

    Posada El Refugio-

    4a. Calle Poniente No. 23

    Posada Landivar-

    5a. Calle Poniente No. 23


    I don't know what your price range is --there are obviously nicer hotels than these-- but you probably want to stay somewhere cheap while you look for a more permanent place to live.  Once settled into your hotel, I suggest that you look for places on the outskirts of Antigua.  Living in the heart of Antigua is going to be really expensive.  There are towns surrounding Antigua that you may want to try.  This will keep you away from the danger of Guatemala City and yet close to the Spanish schools of Antigua, which you may want to enroll in.  I know it seems a bit crazy to not plan this whole thing ahead, but I really think that if you look on the internet now, you'll only find the really expensive lots, because hardly any of the locals advertise on the internet.  Please let me know if I can be of any help to you, translating or whatever; I'll be heading for Antigua myself within a few days. I'd be glad to help.  Take care.  Blessings!

  3. In guatamala city ,there are many westerners there

  4. If you stay in Antigua or Zona Viva, your expenses will be pretty high, but you will be in areas where you can live without much spanish.  If language isn't an issue, there are many nice areas in the city that will meet your needs and not run up a bill as fast as the tourist areas.

  5. I would go with Antigua, but I am biased.  I lived there for three years (just came back last year) and loved every minute of it (well, almost every minute).  

    Life is pretty easy there, much easier than GC.  You can walk around everywhere, and you don't need a car or a driver.  If you feel like a taxi, you can take a tuktuk for about Q10 anywhere around.  The bodegona is a pretty crappy supermarket, but the public market is great for fresh veggies and household products.  

    The guys at Casa Nova real estate can help you find an apt, as well as Bamboo Group.  I would hit the bulletin boards on the park though, they can be a great way to find a little flat to live in.  The Parque Central is a great place to take your kids to run around, lots of people there with their toddlers and you will meet some nice people just hanging out there.  

    In Antigua you can get an apartment for under $500/month, easy.  If you go a little out of town you can get a place for $200/month, but you will spend money on taxis at the same time.  Antigua is much more chill than the city, and much safer as well.  Have fun.

  6. Antigua is better for a family

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