
Where should I throw away used light bulbs?

by  |  earlier

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Is it safe to just toss them out with the rest of my trash?




  1. if their the new cfl bulbs they have to be sent to a hazardous waste disposal site because of their mercury content..

  2. incandescent light bulbs are nothing but glass, tin, and a bit of tungsten.

    Fluorescent light bulbs have some nasties in them, such as cadmium and mercury.  But they are safe to throw in the trash.

    If they break, they might expose you to a trace of mercury vapor, but it's nothing to p**s and scream over.

    Try not to break them while they are inside your house.

  3. They are fairly safe to throw away but they can be recycled with clear and white glass. Just ask where you recycle.

  4. Uhhhh... ... Yes.

    Yes, it is safe to throw trash away in your trash.

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