
Where should I travel to? Must Use tickey by........?

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I have to use my Delta Airline ticket by September (the one I was suppose to go to Hawaii with my ex -but we broke up 2 days prior and he went w/o me) and I dont know where to go. IAlso dont know if I should take my 11 yo daughter with me whever I go or not -Weve been to Disney 5 times -Ive never been anywhere except Texas (lived), Florida (lived), Ohio (lived) and SC/NC (lived) So where should I go?




  1. what about california? Theres loads to do! Theres disneyland,Lego land, Sea world, Six flags, The Beaches and Great places to eat!

    Its the only place I wanna be (native californian)

    or, what about new york?


  2. Try New York City, or Los Angeles

  3. take your daughter and have a good time just you and her. Ask her where she wants to go, or go to the place you've always wanted to go.

    She's a lucky girl to have been to disney land 5 times!

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