
Where should a 24 year old invest a large sum of money?

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I am a 24 year old male in NJ. I have a BS in EE and have been employed for 2 years. I am working on my MBA and am paying for about 20% of this (employer paying rest). Lets assume I make ~$70k.

I have no large bills since I live with my folks. I am still contemplating moving out but this isnt the best time (housing market) to do that even though I want to.

I usually put my money in my HSBC online savings account (went from 5.05 to currently 3.5%). Lets say that I have $60k in that account.

Also 6% of my earnings go into the company 401k program (employer matches 3%, this is the max). 7% of my earnings go into the company stock purchase program. I currently have about 20k stock unvested (vest in 2 years).

I have $5500 in a 1 year CD for 3.75%.

I have $7000 that I need to rotate for the graduate schooling bills. I just bought a $14000 car which I am in love with.

Where should I put my money which will yield well but is low risk? How about foreign beach resorts? Stocks? Funds? Hel




  1. The only previous answers I would consider touching with a ten foot pole would obviously be real estate. But the real question is "have we seen the bottoming out of the real estate markets?" I would look for at least two consecutive quarters of positive growth in this sector before investing in it. Yes, it is a great time to buy a place for yourself, as you are getting a great deal. But so far as major investments, it's obvious that we wont be sure the worst has passed until we see some positive growth.

    My advice to you is simple. Research.

    The same experts who are so bearish on commodities, claiming "we have already seen the all-time highs broken" are the same experts who advise you to invest in the stock markets. The SPX has seen a...hold your breath...2.5% increase since the 2000 highs. Suppose you believe the government statistics of plus/minus 3% inflation, those investors have seen thier investments go down down down in value as the market grinds sideways at best.

    Adjusted for inflation, gold should be trading well past $2500 to even come close to the highs of 1980.

    Here, i'll make this a little more plain for you, my friend.

    And when you get done reading that, learn the history of the stock markets and the roughly 1/3 century trends involved.

    Research long valuation waves. You will know where to put your money when you put things in perspective.

  2. I just want to warn you about investing in real estate.  The market may be great for buying right now but not for selling.  Shop around for a high interest Money Market.  Stocks are so iffy right now.  I just told my mom that she was crazy for buying more magna bancorp when she's lost so much on it.  She thinks it's a good time to get some more.  The stock has already fell two dollars since she purchased it two weeks ago.  Keep your money very safe right now!  I'm still sick about loosing about 30 G's on a sure thing.  Nothing is a sure thing right now and your too young to take too big of a chance.  Save, SAVE, SAVE!!!

  3. You need not have given the full details of your

    fianancial status. Stocks all over the world are not

    doing well, mutual funds ok, among the funds

    bond and fixed maturity plans are risk free

    and the yield is around 8-9% . Tax free in india.

    Since you are 24, buy an apt or condo in the US

    or land somewhere and expect it to appreciate in

    another 10 years. Now , the real estate has

    come down, in some areas they are going for

    distress sale, so get one at very low prize.

    After the sub prime woes are over, it would appreciate.


  4. I just love that you are thinking in this direction.

    And I've got the perfect advice for you: stocks!

    Well if you are scared to take the risks involved, then how about mutual funds but you should know that with lower risks come lower profits and well like that.

    Don't bother that the markets are bearish. This is the best time to get in when the prices are low.

    The best advice in stock trading is: Buy low, Sell high. I don't see a  better time to buy low.

    U don't have to take my word for it. The famous Amscher Mayer Rothschild said "Buy when there is blood in the streets".

    If you would like to know more check out my pages at

    Good luck.

  5. You say a few things here, one that really caught my eye: "I am still contemplating moving out but this isnt the best time (housing market) to do that even though I want to."

    Moving out of your parent's home? This is a GREAT time to be looking at your own housing. Prices are DOWN. Do you want to buy housing when the market is hot and prices are UP? Do not let the current slump in the housing market prevent you from buying a home. There may be other reasons for not buying, but the current market is not one of them.

    You also say: "Where should I put my money which will yield well but is low risk?"

    Low risk and high yield are incompatible. The less risk an investment has the less possibility for a good yield. That being said, one of the best guaranteed returns one can get is to pay down debt. Sounds like you have some and may assume more with more education costs. It's a safe investment with a great return of whatever the loan rate is.

    You also mention $20K invested in company stock. I assume your plan allows you to invest at a discount which is a good thing. But based on the assets you mention, it sounds as though your investment in your own company is disproportionally high. You may want to cut that back and put more in your 401K or other stocks.

    Bottom line, you're a young guy doing well (an EE and MBA degree is a great combination) so should be fully invested in the market aside from having an emergency fund. You should also have money set aside for that MBA.

    Don't invest in foreign beach resorts unless you really know that industry very well. Good luck!

  6. Stock market is a very good option along with forex trading. In forex trading you have a greater amount of flexibility with the amount you invest and it gives you great return on your investment.

  7. I'd recommend talking to a financial counselor at your bank or ask around for a good one.  Investing is recommended but be sure your portfolio is diverse so if you lose in one area it won't take everything.

  8. If your looking to Invest...

    This is absolutely the best time to invest in real estate with the amount of bank owned property on the market your getting the best investment deals in this real estate market.

    contact a top local real estate professional that can advise

    on investing in your local market

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