
Where should an 18 year old go on her birthday?

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I was thinking about going to the Orlando area, but I hear that most clubs are 21 +. I could also stay in the Tampa area.. i just dont know.. any advice?




  1. Here in Orlando, females can get into clubs at 18, at least most of the clubs, but must be 21 to drink. But, as someone else said, a lot depends on who you're with and where you're staying.  A lot of clubs here allow women 18+  but not the guys...the guys have to be 21.

  2. Well...most hotels now days require you be 21 to get a room. so chances of staying out of your local area are not good!

    do you have friends 21+ that could get a room out of town!? if so look for clubs online!

  3. Take her to a nice dinner at RED LOBSTER  and then to see a nice movie.

  4. Virginia Beach. 18 to enter 21 to drink

  5. Virginia Beach

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