
Where should i become a police officer?

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Im getting out of the marine corps honorably next spring and i would like to know a good place to be a police officer as far as benefits and pay. I don't really care where I live I just want to have a good job. I've already applied at nypd and lapd and would like other suggestions. I do prefer the north east area please help me out.




  1. Basically any PD in California pays more than any other state.  NYPD pays less than public school teachers.  Oakland Ca has one of the highest starting salaries in the nation at $78K.

  2. You might also want to consider applying for the US Marshall service; I'm sure your military experience would give you a leg up there.  Mostly, I wanted to thank you for your service to our country.  God bless you.

  3. One thing to keep in mind when going into law enforcement and security is what lifestyle pace you really want to have.  When I was getting out of the Navy in May, US border patrol was offering 50K a year starting, in generally much lower cost of living areas such as southern Texas, Arizona, Maine, Vermont, and Washington State.  If you're concerned about time with family, and being able to spend time with them, you may want to look into a more rural, lower crime area, unless you're dead set on living in the city.  Along the same lines, the US Marshals are great to get into if you don't mind a little travel and it does pay a bit better.

  4. Thank you for your service to our Country!!

    Good joice of career, I guess it would depend ont he climae you want too.  You know in LA there will be no snow or seasons changing.  Basically warm some rain.  New York will Give you variety of Climates.  Best of Luck

    ***** why all the thumbs down i wonder???*********

  5. Yea you got the idea!  NYPD and LAPD is the best!  With your Marine Corp training, you would make an excellent big city cop and kick some *** and take down those bad guys!  Maybe eventually, you can move on to other divisions that would utilize your Marine training.  But I would stick with a big city police force.  The small towns would bore a guy like you to death!  Go where the action is!

  6. I would recommend checking out some state police agencies such as the New York State Police or the Pennsylvania State Police. Getting a police officer job with a large state university such as the State University of New York or the University of Pittsburgh would also be something to think about. With these agencies, the pay and benefits are good, and there is plenty of opportunity for advancement. Almost all full-time university employees can attend classes for free. has excellent information and advice about getting a good law enforcement officer job.

  7. Las vegas Metro.

  8. Oakland California

  9. I somewhat would agree with pauly, I am just working off assumption here, but I am getting the feeling with the area you chose that you are probably stationed in NC, if that is the case, then whatever you do get the h**l out of there. LOL. I definitly think that you would benefit more from a job with a PD, where there is more action. If you like the area, you would be close to the beach by applying for VA Beach or Chesapeake, Norfolk areas. VBPD, starting pay is nice from what I hear, and you get the benefit of nice area especially in the summertime when you need a relax from that stressful job. lol.I know that is not quite as north as you may want, but a good option. Jersey City, Newark, and Atlantic City,- These three require residency. Camden NJ, definitly n area full of "action", ha. OCean City, MD. I have some more suggestions just let me know if these are perspectives or considerable, if not then there is no reason to go further. LOL. Sorry if I couldnt be of assitance, however best of luck wtih the job choice.

    ***EDIT*** I ironically answered your question and went to check the new posts on the one I asked, and had an answer from you. I appreciate that, I was getting beefed around prior as to whether it would or would not affect his career. And to answer the question, My husband and his SSGT are good friends and hang out often, often enough that he entrusted him to check in on me while he was on leave that I couldnt go on b/c of working that weekend in Wilmington to be honest. If that clears up why the SSGT was even around at a point and time where my husband wasnt. He actually was checking on me after I had gotten back from work.

  10. I feel what you are looking for is NYPD. Check out thier web site. Good pay and bennies. You already have the backgroud they are looking for and I feel its a great Dept to work for. Good Luck.

  11. Don't rule out the Ivy League colleges campus police. Most of them include a free education as part of the benefits package.

    An $200,000 dollar education looks very good on your resume.  The Ivy League degree will let you go to any police dept. you pick.

    You can stand in the rain and snow and hot sun handing out tickets and getting spit on by the criminals, or you can get an Ivy League Degree and be Chief sitting at a desk in an office with central heat and air,  and having lunch with the local and state leaders.

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