
Where should i go for a sorta 1st date

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like we like each other but we are not together but i wanna ask her out on this date soooooo where should i go?




  1. Assuming you know a little bit about her, use that and be creative.  If you don't maybe you could ask a few mutual friends what she likes to do.  I always suggest NOT to go to a movie.  That leaves no room for talking and getting to know each other better.  I would try to find out her favorite restaraunt or if she is more of the miniture golf, fun kind of person.  If you take her out to eat just be sure it is a comfortable atmosphere and not something that may cause embarrasement like crablegs or spaghetti.  Then if all goes well with dinner make the decision if you want to ask her to go on to maybe play miniture golf, or maybe it could even be bowling.  It always helps to know the kinds of things they enjoy and things they really don't.

    Here are some suggestions:

    Lunch or Dinner

    miniture golf


    baseball game

    park~ some places have parks in the summer where there is a free band, you just take chairs or a blanket or both!

    the zoo

    a museum if you both like that type of thing

    an amusement park

    Not knowing really where you live it is difficult to know what your area offers but be creative.  

    One other option is ask her out to lunch or dinner and allow her to help chose an "after" activity if you both would like to continue the date.  If you want give her a few options and tell her it is her choice.  Put some things on a peice of paper and make her draw them out of a ballcap or something.  Whatever you do I am sure you will have fun.

    I hope this is helpful.

    Best of luck!

  2. Go to a comedy club. You'll spend time together, laugh all night and have a blast.

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