
Where should i live in Canada, actually i can only speak english?

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Where should i live in Canada, actually i can only speak english?




  1. The only place in Canada where you may have a problem is Quebec, because the primary language there is French (most of them are bilingual, but they can be snooty and refuse to speak English to you).  That leaves Montreal out.  If you're looking for a big city then I would recommend Toronto, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Calgary, or Vancouver.  If you want something a little more off the beaten track, there are many suburban and rural areas in Ontario that are very nice and within short driving distance of Toronto.  Hamilton comes to mind -- it's a good-sized city (population around 300,000) and the suburbs are great.

  2. Most Canadian cities are multiculture. You can live in any of them with only english.

  3. i think quebec. jk lol. maybe ottawa or toronto

  4. Vancouver or maybe Toronto

  5. Toronto... great city with lots to do and people here are very nice. but no matter where you choose tto live in canada you will be welcomed with open arms!

  6. i would suggest montreal

  7. The only province in Canada that is not primarily English is Quebec. Even there, in Montreal you probably would have no problem living there, but you may have trouble finding a job that does NOT require you to be bilingual (English/French). But there are some out there, don't get me wrong.

    Rumours that Quebecers are anti-English and hostile are greatly exagerated. Yes, you will find the occasional language activist who will look down on an anglophone who can't speak French in Quebec. It is not very nice of them to do so, but on the other hand the saying "when in Rome" applies...if you plan to live and work in a French province, it only makes common sense to eventually learn the language. (I am an English Quebecer, but also speak French)

    So to answer the actual question you asked, I would say look for a place in Canada that gives you adequate job opportunities. Keep in mind that housing costs an cost of living in the area will also drive salary rates. Doing clerical work in Vancouver or Toronto may offer a great salary, but you may earn more by doing the same job in Winnipeg or Halifax because the costs for rent and public transit may be less there.

  8. anywhere you want   !

  9. I advise you the West of Canada, Vancouver for example, it is an English-speaking city.

  10. I would recommend Toronto if you like city life; or anywhere in Ontario. Quebec is mostly French-speaking, so you wouldn't want to move to Montreal.

  11. Julie C is absolutely right! This idea that Montreal is hostile to English speaking people is pure bilge. I know because I lived there and never ever had any problems at all ever.

    You can live anywhere you want.

  12. I suggest Toronto, Ontario if you prefer the 'busy' life style, with tons of shopping.

    If you're in to places a little more laid back, there's always Newfoundland. It's a very country-style province.

    Hope i helped :)

  13. People saying that French speaking Montrealers are not really welcoming non French have it wrong for most of the time, and definitively it is better to be English speaking in Montreal than any other language in Toronto...

    In Montreal, you have almost all services in English and French. In fact, we, French speaking, have many times some difficulties to be served in French in some stores and restaurants around downtown and some other more "English" parts of the city... Maybe that's where some express more frustration about English speaking people, those who would be supposed to be bilingual by their job...

    Anyway, for the others, Montreal the safest, the most interesting and the sunniest (Vancouver is less cold but get the most rainy weather, Toronto almost as cold and less sunny than Montreal).

    You have the chance to learn another language and see mixed cultures. If you care about integrating yourself, Quebeccers are well known for their open mind and their way of being happy , of having fun together, their "joie de vivre".

    Finally, Montreal the cheapest and the closest to nature (Vancouver following near, but Toronto is terrible to find affordable lodging and everything).

  14. Come to Vancouver  ::; climate ,people lots to see & do . If you like the out doors start packing   see hellobc  tourismvancouver  they have free guides to mail you.  Ps the Olympics are comming lots of work

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