
Where should i place my subs?

by  |  earlier

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they are in my trunk.. but do i have them facing away or facing toward the front?




  1. of course towards! any other way would cause problems with the truck

  2. with your back seat up push your box as far forward as you can with teh subs facing forward and when you're by your self flip your back seats down.

  3. neither have them facing straight up it makes it more of a boom throughout the car.... if i were u id screew them to the back seat so when no ones back there u can flip down the seat and there right there faceing the front of the car but if not have them sitting faceing tward the sky

  4. away should be best  

  5. Face them toward the rear of the trunk.

    Good Luck!!!

  6. You should put them in the trunk of your car or in the back seats {whatever cant leak on them} {prefferably The Trunk}

  7. If you want to experience the full power of your subs, face em' front.

    If in fact you just bought them for showing off, face them backwards, they sound hella better coupla blocks away.

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