
Where should i put babys room?

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I am having a very difficult time deciding on what to do about my baby's room and I just need some opinions!! I have a 3 year old and 1 on the way due in Dec. I have a 2 story house, the main level is upstairs and the upstairs has 2 bedrooms... the downstairs is just one big room with a laundry room. my sons room isn't big enough to share a room with a baby because of the baby crib and all that so what I was going to do was just put a bassinet in our room while the baby was small... but when he grows out of the bassinet where am I going to put him??? I just don't know where.. So the only thing I can think of is if we move our bedroom downstairs and give both bedrooms to both kids upstairs they would have there own room and id have more space for baby stuff and more organized... but I'm a lil scared because of someone breaking in. I told my husband I wasn't sure if I wanted to do that but I would have to have an alarm for the house and 2 baby monitors where i can see what they are both doing at night and make sure they are both ok... what are yalls opinion?....... I wanted to go ahead and decide on what I wanted to do because I only have 4 months left until the new baby gets here and I want it to be ready....... my mom said I should sleep downstairs and test it out now before I move furniture around to see how I feel... My husband works shifts though and when hes on nights I'd prolly be reallly nervous Id end up sleepin upstairs when hes on nights




  1. just put both kids in one room they are both going to end up there anyways and the older one can get used to having the younger one around!

  2. put the baby in your room for the first few months and then move it into share a room with your son. You will just have to do some room rearranging and maybe make an area downstairs a play area for him. If your house is anything like my house you probably have toys downstairs anyway.  There is nothing wrong with sharing a room and I am sure if you are creative you can find a way for both your son and the baby to fit in one room

  3. i would say either convert some of the space downstairs into a master bedroom or keep the crib in your room until your baby is old enough to go into a twin bed and then you can do bunk beds in the smaller bedroom.  I probably wouldn't want to combine the two, even if you could, until the baby was a little older and they're schedules were more compatible.

  4. You should alter the bottom level into living space...

  5. honestly?  unless you live in a freaky high-crime area, burglars breaking in won't be anything NEAR as much to worry about as your little burglars breaking out!

    house alarm, fine - but never mind the monitors.  you need a life and your kids need their privacy.  yes, even when they're little, they need to learn how to occupy themselves and do all the things they're not allowed to do when they're with you.

    seriously:  what will you do if you look on the monitor and see your toddler playing with himself?  how old will they be before you decide you can trust them enough to remove the monitors?

    and believe me, you'll have two kids who will do everything they can to circumvent your helicopter parenting and it'll cause more problems then just letting them get dirty and banged up would have in the first place.

    kids' rooms upstairs, your room downstairs, a pull-out couch in the livingroom for when your hubbie works nights - perfect arrangement.

  6. Any way that you look at it you will be walking up a lot of stairs.  If it were me, I would move downstairs so that there might be a little less stairs when you are VERY pregnant.  Also that way the kids have their rooms together and you and your husband have a little more privacy and can be a little louder during your private time.  (I am not sure how to put that delicately).  That would be me.  Both kids can have their own rooms that way as well.  Just an opinion.  Good luck!

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