
Where should i put my home made ouija board?

by  |  earlier

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its kind of creeping me out and i dont know where to put it.




  1. I keep mine in a drawer with my sweater vests, and you should do the same.

  2. If it is creeping you out, get rid of it.  Why keep something that is bothering you?  And if sometime in the future you want to play it again, you can make another one.  If you don't want to get rid of it, store it somewhere outside your  house if that will make you feel better.  

    Here are a couple of sites that explain how the ouija board is just a game with no supernatural powers, which might make you feel better.

  3. Ask the board, LOL.

  4. It hardly matters; put it anyplace that is out of the way.  But I like the first answer.

  5. you should disguard a home meade one right after youre done with it ..ross it out away from your house..I burn them

  6. In the trash.  Save yourself the heebee-jeebies and give it the ol' heave-ho.

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