
Where should my daughter study abroad England, Ireland or Scotland?

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My daughter and friends are studying abroad in the Spring. They keeps switching back and forth between the three countries mentioned above. I have read a lot of anti-Americanism on yahoo answers, and I am scared that when they do go in the Spring, they will experience hate or dislike because they are Americans. It is time to pay for this adventure, and I am wondering if one of the above countries is better than the other towards Americans or about the same. I want her to have a good experience. I am wondering if this is even a good idea. I have heard from other people that Scotland is friendlier towards Americans?? She is just a college student wanting to experience the world, and who happens to be very polite, rather thin, and very quiet, ...I would appreciate your opinions.




  1. The anti-Americanism which you encounter on the web comes from disaffected whingers, who let off steam about American Foreign Policies. It does NOT translate into personal persecution of American visitors.

    So saying, there are areas which ALL visitors should avoid!....... as in America.

    There are large American communities around Oxfordshire, Cambridgeshire and the Solent. An amazing number seem to wind up drinking my wine and whisky at our back-garden barbecues! (but my kids work for a large American Company and I'm half American).

    In terms of quality of Universities, this is a matter of choice. The issue with English Universities is one of reasonably priced accommodation. As an Englishman, married to a Scot, I recommended the Scots Universities to my children. Irish Degree courses tend to be longer and more exhaustive than the British (which is NOT a criticism!)

    Have a scrute at the student fora.

  2. I'm Scottish, but I'm not saying that to sway your opinion to Scotland. Please pay no attention to anything on these Yahoo forums that may be influencing your opinion, Americans on a general whole are very well welcomed throughout the UK, many of my best friends are American. Have a think about what your daughter wants to study. If she is artistic she may want to try for the world famous Glasgow School of Art in Scotland. There are also amazing Universities in England especially in Cambridge where I've visited. I'm not so knowledgable about Ireland, but I've been to Dublin and visited the main University there and it was an amazing experience. I studied at a University in England myself.

    Again please ignore any trash you read here. Travelling over here will be a great experience.

  3. The anti-American sentiment is normally aided at the president and or government. It is not aimed at individuals.

    The only time your daughters are likely to have any trouble is if they sand in the middle of the street shouting about how wonderful GW Bush is and what a great job is being done in Iraq.

    Try looking at FODORS - look at the UK discussions - the posters are mainly US citizens travelling to or who have travelled to the UK.  

  4. She should come to Scotland.  Its a friendly place and we have a great education system.

  5. scotland is friendlier towards everyone. its just friendlier and more laid back. unless you go to glasgow i hear lol  

  6. She should go to Ireland. There were always plenty of American students at my college and they never said they had experienced anything bad. Even when we had protests at the college about the war etc., they were fine.

  7. Hey, im from Glasgow, Scotland. its very friendly and people will be taken with her american accent and lifestyle, people will be more curious than anything. Scotland is friendly and fun, people are normaly inviting and homey :D

    Also Scotland is known as having one of the best education systems in the world so you cant go wrong!

    i dont doubt that she will make friends and have a good time whilst getting a good education.

    Good luck for where ever your daughter goes :D

  8. I went to England in the summer of 07 and I never had a problem with the people being anti-american.  Everyone was very polite to my and my friends, and we were all teenage girls. It was a great trip and the people we met were amazing.  

  9. As a londoner, I would have to say your daughter and friends will be better off in scotland. Heres why, there's about two america guys in my college and they have about 1/2 'wanna be' friends. the two guys feel like they are better than everyone else, so that dont do them any favours. Most of the people i meet seem to dislike americans. Scotland is friendlier to (caucasian) american because, they're used to americans, but for some strange reason, they're not so fond of muslims and blacks. But wont it be cheaper if they just study in america, they can take a gap year and travel around the UK if the want to come here that bad.

  10. scotland is a good country for education and it's friendly towards everyone.America has a lot of racism.

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