I'm writing this just for fun.
Here's a blurb:
When 25-year-old Kimberly Taylor wakes up in her apartment on a Saturday morning, she does what she does every Saturday. When she calls her mother, she finds out thatshe's been missing for a week, and she can't remember any of it. Not only is her week missing, so is the third finger n her left hand, along with the engagment ring her fiance
Eric Johnson gave her two months ago.
Moving back in with her mother, Kimberly finds out two months later that she is pregnant. She decides to get an abortion, but is plagued by nightmares of being hunted down until she changes her mind. Her relationship with Eric is becoming more and more strained, even though he has promised to support her desicion.
At six months pregnant, Kimberly starts to see strange things, like people disappearing and trees lining the alleyways. Her ultrasound also reveals some unexplainable abnormalities; Tiny, wing-like growths have started to sprout behind the baby's shoulder blades.
Kimberly sets off to find out exactly what happened in that missing week, and discovers more than she could have ever imagined...
Silverlight, the Realm of Fairies.
Kimberly lives in a small town, and my immeadiate thoughts were that it would be set in Ireland, but I've never been there and therefore don't really know how to describe it. Would it be better just to keep the setting in North America, with the land and culture I am used to? It seems a little boring to me, and really, North America isn't exactly the best mystical fairy land, either. Help!