
Where so you start when you're at the end?

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I had it once

You all

Dreams come true

Visions of crystal


Days in mountains

Wading in cool streams

My youth in my hand

Second chance choices

Golden moments frozen

In my vault

Hand in hand

In my heart

Looking for life

I know what I'm after




  1. I travel a Mobius Strip.

    I'll wager as do you.

    It's been a most delightful trip.

  2. I don't think you are at the end, I think you are in a new beginning. Very nice poem...I hope you find what you are after. You seem well on the way.

  3. And by having it once, does that mean you have wasted it or feel that you cannot get it back?  Interesting.  I liked the last two lines, a strong way to end the reflection in the poem.

  4. To know what makes one happy - is a knowledgeable discovery. So many - search their whole lives through - without a hint of happiness. Or does it only take - the opportunity to arise - the hint of happiness to appear - and the motivated pursuit of such - that decides one's happiness? ♥

  5. Hydro....and this poem says, emphatically, that you're NOT at the end.

    You've kept a marvelous youth in all your being...remembering the magic of youth is a statement that it's still there and telling you about yourself!

    Bring that 'inner child' with you, into the enticing excitement of those 'second' choices...that will only make them softer and more easy to manage.

  6. Very nice. Full circle makes the end the beginning.

    (Apparently you have internet on your journey! Hooray!)

  7. Now voyager, adjust your sail, safe winds will find you anew.

    Life is a journey, not a destination, and it seems you know that and have found.     Neat poem.

  8. I was really able to relate to this poem.  Not many poems do that.  Well done, poet.

  9. Who said "Happiness runs in a circular motion" " You CAN have it all, if you let yourself be."

  10. I Have just started at the very begining,

    Trying to reason with my Past,

    Looking forward,

    For once in my Life,

    To a Love I won't let pass.

    A Teardrop trickles down my Face,

    Every now and then,

    Am I strong enough,

    To really start again.

    Reminissance,of time gone by,

    The things that lay Ahead,

    A smile ,

    A frown,

    Lifes ups and downs,

    Memories that I dread.

    Then all at once,

    As if to know,

    Exactly how I feel,

    Someone special,

    Came Along,and made with me a deal.

    No more Broken Hearts,

    with Darkness in my sight,

    He spoke to me,

    Just words you know,

    At last I see the Light!  

  11. No personal connotations intended. Poem interpretations only. A short poem to reveal so much.

    (It) is referring to what the poet considers a happy and an enjoyable life.

    Also, it could imply that the poet is too occupied with trying to find what was, rather than enjoy the present state. Good symbolism here. Too often, time passes wishing for, rather than enjoying.

    If you've had it once and (it) refers to what you know you are looking for, then you will have no doubts or questions when you, the poet, find it. For, only the poet knows what he wants.

    Where do you start when you think you are at the end? You begin fresh with any new day. Find a new dawn to hang your hat on, turn loose of what is behind, and search each new day until you find (it).

    Imagination can seem real when in reality the end is finality. To think you are at the end and to be at the end are not the same. The poet does not seem to have considered the differences here.

    Golden moments are good memories and frozen could mean unmovable. Those and the next few lines, even though beautiful, have the strength to prevent the fulfillment of the poet’s last two lines.

    To seek to recapture the beauty of yesterday is nothing less than living the impossible dream. But that within it's self doesn't mean to accept less than...

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