
Where the heck can I purchase a weather instrument shelter so I can start getting accurate temp readings

by  |  earlier

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currently have weather sensor on back fence, in shade, but still tends to read few degrees high




  1. Try a pilot's supply store such as Sporty's in Ohio they usually carry a line of meteorological equipment.

  2. Actually if you are handy they are fairly easy to build. As I remember you just have to fasten together wooden louvered shutters and attach them to a solid wood base. The top must be a double top with air space between them. To be an official temp the whole thing must be on posts four feet above a grassy surface. Oh and it must be painted white.

    That aught to keep you busy for a couple of days.  

  3. You need what is called a "Stephenson Screen".

    The retired weather forecaster was right with the description of how to build one.

    Two layers of louvres, one slopes down and in, the other down and out.

    Paint it matt white.

    And mount it so the door opens away from the sun... that is South in the souhtern hemisphere.  

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