
Where the h**l does wind come from? and where does it go?

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Where the h**l does wind come from? and where does it go?




  1. who cares when a stiff wind does you so much good

  2. The supermarket but they also have cheer and downey.

    They come from the rotation of the earth.

  3. So many rubbish answers!

    When the sun heats the surface of the Earth, it does so more in some places than in others. Warm air rises, which means low pressure on the ground. In other places, there is high pressure. Wind happens when the pressure tries to equalise itself - it blows from high pressure areas of low pressure areas.

    However, it's not as simple as that, because the rotation of the earth causes somethuing called the Coriolis effect, so the wind goes round in circles - clockwise round high pressure in the northern hemisphere.

  4. Wind is air in motion. Air moves because it reacts to a force. Most of the time the force is caused by differences in air pressure over the territory the air resides. These differences can be as small as unequal heating along a seashore resulting in differences in surface air pressure resulting in sea breezes, unequal heating along a mountain slope causing warm air to rise and causing mountain breezes or as large as large as continents. An example of the latter is the monsoon winds of Asia where differences in air pressure over Asia and the western oceans causes the air to move. In between are the differences in air pressure between high pressure systems and low pressure systems (storms). In all cases, air moves (wind) from higher pressures to lower pressures.

    Another force that causes air to move is gravity. This is best illustrated when air is cooled by water evaporating in it as happens during rain showers and thunderstorms. As the air cools, it becomes heavier than the surrounding air and sinks. It picks up speed until it hits the ground and spreads out causing gustiness. Another example of gravity causing wind is along the lee of mountain ranges. When conditions are right, gravity waves set up causing the higher velocity wind at higher altitude to descend to the surface causing damage.

    As you can tell, there are many causes of wind. But the one common cause is a force acting on the air to set it in motion.

  5. Nick J: Whenever there is something difficult to understand somebody always says, 'Coriolis effect'. Then turns over and goes back to sleep. Until that somebody says something to enlighten me I will continue to think that it is mainly just tomfoolery. Have you read 'The Emperor's Clothes'?

  6. Wikipedia is your friend.

  7. lmao! omg this question is awesome lol!

  8. the wind comes from things such as the tide on the beach and stiff.

  9. Due mainly to temperature wind is air movement from an area of high pressure to and area of low pressure. Also air will move between areas of high temperature to areas of a different temperature.

  10. Wind is air on the move, that's all. It is mostly driven by temperature.

  11. My bottom, and up your nose

  12. Any pilot will tell you that wind is a result of the Sun's uneven heating of the Earth's atmosphere.

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