
Where there any survivers of 9/11?

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Do we know if there are any survivers of 9/11? On the plane or in the building at the time?




  1. 9/11 was a horrific tragedy.  but i believe it was a lot worse than that......our own government PLANNED this attack, so that the politicians would have an excuse to put our country back in a war.

  2. Which plane?  There were 4 planes and no survivors on the planes.  But although the death toll was nearly 3000 in the towers, many many people escaped before the buildings collapsed.  My heart goes out to all the survivors and the family members of the victims.

    Note:  Because it seems you have little knowledge of the 9/11 tragedy, I should have mentioned above that 2 planes hit the 2 twin towers (1 each), 1 plane hit the Pentagon, and 1 plane went down in a field in Pennsylvania after the passengers took over and fought the order to prevent the plane from reaching it's target (probably would have been the White House or Capitol Bldg....the passengers knew).....those passengers were true heroes.

  3. Yes a great many, consdering the scale of the disaster.

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